~I Know Jennifer's Boyfriend~

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Chris and Alex were sitting in the kitchen, both minding their own business by drawing and reading the newspaper. They were sitting opposite each other, not a word being spoken.

Jennifer and her friend Justin walked in, both carrying a stack of newspapers. They both put their stack down in an even bigger pile, on the floor. Jen turned around, snatching Alex's paper from his hands.

"Hey !" he said, making Chris look up from her sketchbook, "Hey, what're you doin' with my paper ?"

"I need it, Alex. We're going to recycle it" Jen said. Chris smiled. It was good that they were thinking about the climate and stuff. Aside from one individual. *Cough* Alex *Cough*

"Wait until it's been cycled first, okay" her brother answered, snatching the paper back from the pile. "This is the kinda militant behavior, that gives you environmentalists a bad name"

Chris rolled her eyes, scoffing at his words.

"Environmentalists don't have a bad name !" Justin exclaimed, making Chris smile again.

"They do with Alex" Chris said, looking at her sketchbook again, a smirk visible on her face. Jennifer and Justin nodded in agreement, smirking at him as well.

Alex sent a quick glare Chris' way, "The whole idea of recycling is ridiculous. It's a waste of time"

"Ya think it's a waste of time to help the environment ?" Chris asked, not believing what he had just said. Then again, it was Alex. There wasn't much to expect from him saying something different.

"Listen, Alex. This planet is in real danger. There's a limitation to the earth's resources, and unless we all do our share, the entire life support structure is in danger of collapsing and destroying life on earth as we know it" Jennifer rambled. Alex looked at her for a few seconds.

"Grow up, will ya, Jennifer ?" he said. Chris rolled her eyes for the 1000th time.

"Grow up yourself, stupid" Chris mumbled, but still loud enough for Alex to hear. He turned his head to look at her, giving her that uncomfortable stare again. She had gotten that a lot recently, and it wasn't pleasant.

"You're stupid" he said. Chris scoffed, chuckling under her breath.

"You're pretty stupid if ya can't find a better comeback than stealing mine, stupid" she said back, getting up from her sitting position on her chair, to go over and get herself some orange juice.

Mallory and Elyse walked in, grocery bags in hand. "Bad news, kids. No sweets, no treats, no meats. Lots of yoghurt, some stuff from Bulgaria-" Mallory said.

"It's not from Bulgaria, Mallory. It is Bulgar. It's a fine grain, it is rich on vitamins, minerals and iron" Elyse stated, getting annoyed of her picky daughter. Chris only smiled.

"I think it sounds great, Mrs. K" she said, smiling at Elyse kindly. Alex scoffed, mumbling an 'Of course you do', mocking the girl.

"Looks like cattle food" he said, shaking the bag of grain, looking at it without any interest.

Elyse greeted Justin, asking if he'd stay for dinner, but the boy only declined with a fake smile.

The phone suddenly rang, Elyse being the one to pick it up, only for Jennifer to take it, yelling at whoever was on the other line. She hung up, innocently smiling at the group in front of her, saying it was a wrong number.

"Actually, these kids from school, their making fun of us because Jennifer and I like to play together" Justin said.

"They call me Mrs. Perkins and their saying 'I know Jennifer's boyfriend !'. Stupid heads.." Jennifer said.

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