Chapter 2

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Kenma POV:
Ahhh I love being home alone! I crash on the couch and turn the tv on. I end up watching some reality show. All of the sudden I get a whiff of what smells like warm vanilla and musk. It's the most delicious smell I've ever smelled. My wolf seems to really like it too. I turn off the tv and walk outside and try to see where it's coming from.

"Oh shit" I thought. Could this be my mates smell? Oh hell no! I don't want a mate. I run inside and lock all the doors. I'm not letting in anyone. I sit in my room till my parents come home. They check on me but I pretend to be alseep. This sucks.

**Time skip to next day**

Ugh. I wake up in a mess of blankets and pillows. I check my clock and it's 6:45...
"OH FUCK" I yell. I got 15 minutes to get ready and catch my bus! I throw on a crew neck sweatshirt and some jeans with converse. I grab some toast and my bag and run out the door. I barely make my bus.

I get to my class kind of late too. Mr. bullock had already started the lesson so I had to walk in while he was talking. "Try not to be late again kozume" he says as I walk to my desk.
We were about 15 minutes into class when an alarm went off. All of our heads shot up and the teacher told us to exit the room calmly.

We were all almost out when that dumb fuck Richard pushed lev back and into me and slammed the door in our face. "Ass wipe" I say under my breath. Suddenly I smell it again. That smell. Lev notices my change in behavior. "Hey are you ok?" He asks. We start to hear screams. Me and lev listen in horror not knowing what's going on.

Someone starts trying to bust through our door. I start to back into a corner. And lev does the same. BANG! The door gets knocked off its hinges. A big dude walks through. He's definitely a werewolf. Then I remember what my dad told me about the blood moon pack coming into town.

The big guy runs over to lev and tackles him. He has lev in a chokehold trying to knock him out. Lev is trying to fight back but can't.

My body moves on it's own and I run and pour all my strength into a punch and knock the guy back like 5 feet. I'm small so knocking someone back that far for me is a big deal.

I try to get lev back on his feel but I'm suddenly lifted off the ground by the collar of my shirt. I get slammed into a wall and now I'm the one with hands around my throat. "This fight is between the blood pack and vamps but I guess I'll make an exception and kill you" he growls. He punches me in the gut. Hard. I see black spots and he has his claws out ready to slash at me. Suddenly I smell it again and he gets tackled to the ground. I fall from his grasp and start coughing and choking. I look over to see who saved me and I the smell his sent. He had black hair that had a bad case of bed head and a smirk on his face. "Don't touch my mate" he growls into the other mans ear. "I'm sorry alpha! I didn't know!" The man starts begging.

The dark haired alpha knocks him unconscious and turns towards me with a hungry look in his eyes. I stare back. No this can't be! I can't be this guys mate! I get on my feel and try to sprint out of there. But he tackles me to the ground to where he's on top of me, smelling the crook of my neck. I struggle trying to push him off. He grabs my wrists and pins them above my head. "Mine" he growls lowly in my ear.
Suddenly he picks me up and swings me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Oi let go you ass hole!" I struggle. He ignores me. Suddenly I start seeing back spots dancing across my vision. He walks out of the school building and everyone that goes to school is out there being help back my members of the blood moon pack.

"Yo Kuroo did you find your mate?" I heard someone call. "I did indeed. And I found that scumbag Uki trying to kill him" I hear the alpha holding me say. I start to slip in and out of conciseness, until darkness over takes me.

Word count- 800 words.
I love dramaaa! And I love a possessive kuroo😏

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