• ° Magic and Mayhem ° •

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A/n : Y'know I was gonna wait to update till tomorrow, but you guys deserve it <3

T/W : Mentions of Past Abuse, Strong Language

There weren't many sorcerers in the land of Withel, and when you did find one, they were immediately reported and locked up for King Dream's use. Some people thought that they were killed, others thought that they were tortured. Let's just say no one thought anything good happened to them. The only public sorcerer was the kings best friend, Sir George. King Dream ruled with a strict grasp, and anyone who broke the rules was severely punished. If you broke a rule and got caught, King Dreams right hand man and other best friend, Sir Sapnap, would hunt you down and bring you back to the King. But that's just how it worked in Withel. Most everyone near the castle knew the rules and followed them. But when you got closer to the outskirts, it's not so friendly. There were thugs, thieves, drug dealers, and kids who had to steal to survive.

One of those kids was named Tommy. And as you might have guessed, he is a sorcerer. He didn't want to be a sorcerer, but he really didn't have a choice, now did he?

• Third POV •

Tommy yawned, laying on the roof of a small shack he had built himself in the sunshine. He lived out in the woods, not to far from town. He lived alone, not having any friends to share it with anyways, since he had been used as a slave, and abused his entire life. He personally liked the quiet, as long as it wasn't a tense or awkward silence. Tommy had to admit though, it did get quite lonely, with only the occasional animal coming by to look at the shack. The boy shook his head to clear his thoughts, and hopped off the roof expertly, heading into the shack. He grabbed his red bandana, tying it around his neck, covering the scars there, before heading to town, hoping to steal enough to buy bread this week. As he hurried through the streets, he kept his head down, not wanting any trouble from thugs or thieves. He luckily didn't run into any on his way to the market. As he arrived, he lifted his head slightly and gazed around the busy market, eyes landing on a man with a yellow sweater on, and what seemed like a black beanie. Hanging from the bag at his side, was a pouch that jingled when the man walked.


He made it over stealthily, and when the man wasn't looking, he 'tripped' and stumbled into the man. The man whipped around, glaring at Tommy. "Watch where your going, dipshit!" The man shouted, resulting in a smack in the back of the head from the second man, who had green robes and a green and white bucket hat. The third one, with long, braided pink hair, eyed Tommy with interest. Tommy muttered an apology, and went to walk past, when the pinkette saw the pouch he had just stole from Yellow-Sweater guy. "Hey! Give that back!" The monotoned pinkette shouted at Tommy, who turned around and bolted. He heard the three pairs of footsteps following him. Oh, but they hadn't learned to maneuver the market, like Tommy had for two and a half years. He ducked under arms, and shoved some away with his shoulder, all the while, the trio chasing him were yelling for him to come back, some more aggressive than others. Tommy made it out of the market, and ran to one of the brick houses lining this street, grabbing onto a water pipe and pulling himself up quickly. He looked back and saw the pinkette climbing up after him, slower but still, and the other two chasing from the ground below. Tommy ran above the houses, leaping the gaps between the houses with ease. He stopped at one of the gaps and hopped down, landing on a barrel and running down the alley. Bad move. It was a dead end. His face turned from shock to terror very quickly, as he turned around and saw the three men cutting him off. He backed up till his back was to the wall at the end of the alley, looking at the men with wide eyes. Green-hat guy stayed back, while the other two came forward slowly. Yellow-sweater man looked furious, while Pinky had a neutral expression. He looked around frantically, and decided his only chance was to give back the stolen money. Tommy tossed it to the sweater guy, who tossed it to bucket-hat guy in the back, before looking back at him. "Don't think your getting out of this that easy." Said sweater guy, still looking furious. Tommy's face turned back to terror as the sweater guy rushed at him, trying to grab him. Tommy dodged past him and tried to run through the place the sweater bitch was at, but got caught by pink-haired fancy dude. Tommy shrieked, and tried to pull away, but the Pinkette wouldn't let go of him. "Let me go! Please! I gave it back!" Tommy's voice was brimming with fear. The bucket hat man and the fancy guy exchanged glances, as Tommy felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and everything went black.

.•° Time Skip °•.

Tommy shot straight up out of fear. Bad idea. His head spun as he tried to figure out where the hell he was. Oh right. The three men must have taken him to their house. He climbed out of the bed, and hesitantly opened the door, looking around. He could hear talking from down the stairs. Tommy crept down the stairs quietly, seeing the men in the kitchen, listening to them talk. "But Phil! The bitch stole my money! I had every right to knock the little fuck out!" The sweater guy complained. "You hurt him Wil! He's probably is scared of us now! You should've let him go!" The guy supposedly named Phil shouted. 'Wil' looked to the silent pinkette "You're with me, right Techno?!" The guy named Techno shook his head. "Wilbur, you shouldn't have knocked him out. It looked like he was stealing to survive. Maybe we could help him out." That's where Tommy drew the line. " I don't need help from any of you bitches! I can survive fine all on my own!" Tommy was furious. He didn't need help, no less than from some strangers! The three men looked to the boy, seeming startled. "Oh! You're awake. That's good. I believe we met on the wrong foot. I'm Philza, but call me Phil." Phil said, a warm smile on his face. Tommy stayed silent, glaring daggers at Wilbur. "That's Wilbur, and Techno." He gestured to the other two boys. Techno nodded to him, and Wilbur glared daggers back at Tommy. "M' Tommy." He said bluntly. "Nice to meet you Tommy! I think a certain someone has something to say?" He shot a look at Wilbur. Wilbur inwardly groaned and rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry for knocking you out, even though you deserved it, and I don't regret it." Wilbur sneered at Tommy, who scowled at him "I don't accept, you mother-" he was cut off by Phil. "OOOOOOOO-KAY anyways! Do you want anything to eat, Tommy? You must be hungry, if your willing to steal for it." Tommy looked away, crossing his arms, and shook his head "I don't need you to feed me! I'm not pathetic!" He growled. Techno stood up, and walked to Tommy, standing right in front of him. "Techno... " Phil warned. Techno looked straight into Tommy's eyes, looking quite menacing. Tommy held his gaze, fear apparent in his blue eyes, but a fiery spirit shone in them. Then Techno smirked. "I like this kid. Good spirit, and brave." Phil and Wilbur looked shocked. "So kid, do you know how to use a sword?" Tommy shook his head, seeming calmer around Techno. "Do you want to learn to use one?" Tommy nodded "Ill make you an offer. You come back here every day for practice, at 6:45am sharp, and I'll start training you tomorrow. Deal?" Tommy looked shocked, but seemed to take the offer into consideration. He would learn how to use a sword, and he liked this 'Techno' guy. Seems like a good deal, but... "What's in it for you?" Tommy asked hesitantly. "I'd have an apprentice to train, as the great and powerful Blood God needs a sidekick," Tommy grumbled at that "and you wouldn't be stealing from others. Seems fair." Tommy felt like this was all going too fast. But he wasn't going to turn down his offer.

"I accept."

Words : 1449

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