Wings AU

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A/n : The picture above is what Tommy's wings look like. The picture is from Soft Dorky Pan on Tumblr! Go check them out! I love all of you, stay healthy, drink some water, eat some food, and know I care about you <3


In Tommy's family, the Sleepy Bois, they were all hybrids, Philza being a bird, Techno being a pig, and Wilbur being a fish. It seemed Tommy was going to be a human. The only human of the family. The others teased him about it all the time, and he dreamed of being a hybrid, except a bird hybrid. He had a slight fear of heights, so naturally he didn't want to be anything that could fly, if he were to be a hybrid. Ah, but life just doesn't go the way you want it to, eh?


Tommy was currently arguing with Wilbur about not stealing his socks, while Techno sat on the couch, watching the scene unfold. "Wilbur, if you need to steal anyone's socks, steal Techno's socks!" That earned a huff out of Techno. "Well, Tommy, yours are the only fluffy ones, therefore I must wear them. Plus, they were warm, having just come out of the dryer, so I couldn't resist! Also-" Tommy tuned him out when he felt the throbbing headache he had this morning return, clutching his head with his left hand, using his right arm to balance on the arm of the couch. He shut his eyes tightly, whimpering quietly. That's when everyone went silent.

"Tommy?" Techno asked, standing up, ready to help his brother. "I-I'm f-fi-ne..." Tommy whimpered again, knees buckling underneath him. Techno caught him, picking him up bridal style and setting him on the couch gently. Tommy raised his knees to his chest, grasping his hair tightly and pulling slightly, trying to lessen the pain to no avail. Techno and Wilbur exchanged glances before Wilbur bolted upstairs to get Phil. Techno sat next to Tommy, taking his hand from his head and stroking his hair gently. Tommy leaned into the touch.

Phil rushed down the stairs, with Wilbur close behind. Phil rushed to Tommy's side, taking his other hand. "Tommy, what's wrong?" He asked, worry clear in his voice. "H-Hurts." Tommy whimpered out, shutting his eyes tighter as tears rolled down his cheeks. "Where?" "M-My h-head..." Tommy's voice was laced with pain, as he opened his eyes. He made direct eye contact, and Phil's heart broke. Swimming through his crystal blue gaze was pure agony, his eyes reddish and dull with pain.

"Wilbur, go get some pain meds and water." Phil ordered, not breaking eye contact with Tommy. Wil rushed away to the bathroom, where the medicine was kept, all the while Techno was running his fingers through Tommy's hair soothingly. Tommy's eyes were half closed and he was snuggled up to Techno by the time Wilbur got back. Phil took the water and pills and handed the pills to Tommy. Tommy shakily put the pills in his mouth, but couldn't hold the cup of water, so Phil helped him drink it. Tommy sighed and snuggled into Techno further and shut his eyes, going out like a light.

Phil, Wilbur, and Techno all exchanged worried glances, as Techno picked Tommy up bridal style once more, and took him to his room upstairs. Techno laid him in bed, and kissed his forehead goodnight, leaving the room quietly. As he came down the stairs, he saw Wilbur and Phil talking with worried expressions. "He will be fine. Right Tech?" Wilbur looked at him pleadingly. Techno only shrugged in response. Phil sighed, standing up. "I think we should all call it a night, and check on him in the morning. Sound like a plan?" Phil got a nod from each of them before all three of them head up the stairs to their respective rooms, calling it a night as Phil had said.

~ Timeskip ~

The headaches had continued for about four days, and Tommy wasn't any better. They had tried everything, but nothing was helping.

It was currently two in the morning, and Tommy woke in a cold sweat. He was shakier than normal, and his head was pounding harder than it ever had. His back hurt like hell, like someone took a blowtorch to it.Tommy stayed as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake anyone up, with the occasional whimper or squeak. He felt a sharp pain in his back, so he grabbed a towel and bit down on it, muffling his screams to a hiss. He sat on the floor, leaning into his bed frame, already exhausted.

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