Chapter 8

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*Ester POV*

I woke up to a boisterous conversation that I could hear on the dock. Judging by the rocking of the boat and my rumbling stomach it was late morning so we must be in Idi .

I grabbed my small bag with some money and my necklace inside and went outside. I checked my reflection in the mirror and saw my new outfit that I had picked out the other day. I had used a white strip of canvas to bind my chest, with a brown tunic over the top, white loose canvas pants, and calf-length boots. I had a canvas wrap covering my face and head to help disguise my hair. My goal was to pass as a boy in the desert area of Idi's capital city, Alid.

Everyone must be unloading the coffee or reloading supplies, though by the voices I could hear outside they had gathered for a goodbye.

Truthfully, I didn't want to go. These people on this ship had become very dear to me even though I'd only known them a short while.

I walked outside to see the crew waiting. Cypren was dressed similarly to me, but with his face visible, and he was standing awkwardly under the heartbroken stare of Amare from across the deck. I'm sure we all heard their argument last night. Cypren had said he only wanted a short fling, and that she was too much for him, and Amare broke down saying she wished she couldn't feel at all, and that he was her last time trying to find love. He ended up going below deck, leaving Amare crying for some time. I did hear Thala go and comfort her after some time.

"I had a great time getting to know you," Odette said softly, breaking me out of my thoughts. "I will miss you."

"And I as well. I won't forget you, and maybe you can come and visit me at some point."I replied. I said my goodbyes to most of the others until it's just Thala and Storm left.

"Well princess," Thala started off. "We had some fun, didn't we."

"Yes we did, I wish I could stay," I replied. At that Odette, Thala, and Hortensia turn to Storm.

"She could stay," Thala said hesitantly. I met Storm's eyes and to my surprise they were cold.

"No, she can't. We don't need an extra mouth to feed and she doesn't have any skills that would be useful."

"She was very good at the ropes when I showed her-" Baylen started, stepping up to my defense.

"No, neither her nor Cypren can stay. That's final." With that, she turned on her heel and stalked off to her office. Thala turned to me and offered a sad smile as I felt my heart sink.

"We tried, but I guess it's best you go." I gave a small smile in return. I turned to Cypren and we headed down the ladder together. I looked back one last time to wave at everyone before turning back to the plaza we are in.

Idi was known for its arid climate, and this caused the buildings to be more spread out. The buildings are all white, tan, or a russet color and made of a mix of stone and clay. In Aregium's warmer areas we used the mixture as it helps keep the heat out. They were outfitted with wooden shutters and thin parchment doors.

"We should find a place to spend the night," Cypren told me. I nodded in reply and scanned the buildings nearby for any inn.

"I think there's one over there," I said, pointing at a small red building with a faded sign saying boarding in Pelish.

We went over and ducked inside the door to find a cozy room with a few tables strewn about with an assorted crowd on them. I went up to a lady at a counter while Cypren went to a corkboard with posters on it. As I walked up to the counter I remembered that I'm supposed to be a boy, so before I spoke to her I cleared my throat in what I hoped was an inconspicuous way.

"A room for two please," I said, inwardly pleading that my voice sounded real enough.

The lady, whose name I learned was Rosa, handed me a worn key as I paid before walking over to Cypren who turned around with a strange expression.

"I got us a key," I said, unsure about why he looked like that. "What were you looking at?"

"Local news," he replied quickly. "Let's find the room and talk about what we'll do next."

We headed upstairs and found the room. It was a cramped but cool room, with walls covered in floral wallpaper. There were two small beds on each side of the room with a small walk space between each of them and a tiny dresser between the beds and the wall. It was so much smaller than what I am used to that I feel my chest tighten, and I conscientiously slow my breath down.

I sat down and took off my face wrap, and Cypren followed suit with his hood.

"We can only stay here for two nights," I told him. "There was a sign saying that's how long they allow you to stay by the counter." Cypren nodded in response.

"I know some people that live in Sarna," He said, naming the other port city of Idi. "There would be more people that speak Aregian so you would be able to find an occupation, and the people I know can house us until we can find a place to buy. I hope you don't mind us staying together."

I shook my head at that. He might not be at the top of my list of favorite people, but he was not at the bottom either. It would suit my best interest to have someone that knows the language and could navigate around easily by my side.

"I could probably find something I'm good at to do for money. Until then, I have some gold to use." I said while pulling the gold necklace out of my bag. Cypren eyed it hungrily, but then met my eyes.

"That will keep you in comfort for a few days. I don't suggest flashing that around though, people won't hesitate to rob you here," he said, narrowing his eyes.

After that comforting thought, he went downstairs, looking to play a card game of some sort with some of the people we had seen. I decided to take a nap, feeling worn out from all the emotions of the few hours I had been awake. I hadn't let myself consider it, but I felt my heart break a bit when the prospect of staying with all my new friends was taken away from me. I had really thought Storm and I had been getting close. However, now it's best to put those thoughts and feelings behind me.

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