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A week passed since I met Bokuto, and we've been messaging all the time. I really feel myself getting attached to the guy since he's kind of the first person who tried to be friends with me at college. The same goes for Kuroo as well.

"Hey, hey, hey!" I looked up from my lunch to the all too familiar cheer.

"Hi." I said smiling as he took a seat across from me.

"Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?" Bokuto smirked goofily as I laughed at his pickup line.

"Wow, two pickup lines in one day. I must be lucky."

Bokuto still send me pickup lines everyday and I loved it. They always made me smile throughout the days.

"Isn't Kuroo with you?" I asked confused at the lack of the rooster's presence.

"Nah, he has a lab." He answered brightly as he picked at my food choosing something to eat.

"When are you off?" He asked me as he munched on the sandwich I made.

"At 3." At this he smiled brightly.

"Really?! Then we can finally walk home together!" Bokuto shouted excitedly as his golden eyes sparkled.

"Aren't you done for the day?"

"No, I have practice til 3. Practice was moved because the coach had a meeting."

"I'll wait at the volley gym then if I'm off earlier than you." He hummed at my answer.

"If you're early then come inside and watch me spike." He smirked goofily as he motioned his hand in a lazy spike, earning a laugh from me.

"Wouldn't it be weird?"

"Only if you make it weird. My team is nice."

And so here I was a few hours later in front of the gym doors. I could hear the squeaking of shoes, shouts and balls getting hit.

Hesitantly, I opened the doors and almost got hit by a volleyball. It hit the door right next to my head.

"(Y/N)?!" A familiar voice shouted. Overcoming the shock, I looked in front of me to see that the ball was served by none other then the great Atsumu himself.

"Uh hi?" I answered as I made my way over to the benches. Atsumu ran over to me.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry!" He asked worriedly as he gripped my shoulders, checking my head.

"I'm alright, don't worry. It's not your fault, I should've knocked I guess." I stated as I gently took his sweaty hands of my shoulders.

"Anyway, what're you doing here?" He asked confused. Just before I spoke I was interrupted by the same cheer I heard earlier today.

"HEY, HEY, HEY (Y/N)!" Bokuto jogged our way excitedly.

"You're off earlier than I thought?" His head tilted to the side cutely like an owl. He was sweating a lot and his hair was a bit disheveled.

"We got a project so lecture was finished early."

"Wait, you came for Bokuto?!" Atsumu said as he dramatically held his chest where his heart is supposed to be.

"Well, unlike you, Bokuto actually invited me. I don't even know when you have practice because you don't tell me." I retorted.

"Still, I thought you wanted to surprise me. Heart been broke too many times." He said sadly as he sang the last part.

And so practice continued until the coach dismissed the team. They began cleaning the gym as I was scrolling through pinterest.

"Yer ready to go? Suna and 'Samu are also waiting at the front gate." I looked up at my brother confused. Then it dawned to me that we always walk together.

PICKUPLINES [Bokuto x reader]Where stories live. Discover now