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We entered the grocery store, I was pushing the cart. Walking into the cookie aisle, I looked through the shelves searching for the legendary koala cookies when I felt the cart move slightly.

Turning around, I saw Bokuto jumping into the cart. I steadied the cart so it didn't roll away.

"Bokuto, be careful. What if you slipped!"

"Don't worry, I'm strong, (Y/n)!" He laughed as he looked at me, his eyes sparkling.

"Anyway, let's take a selfie!" Bokuto took out his phone and began clicking away, taking a lot of pictures.

"Hey, at least let me pose, Bokuto!" I laughed as I began posing.

After our little photoshoot, we were roaming through the store putting snacks and ingredients for dinner into the cart.

"What're you gonna make for dinner?" Bokuto asked curious as I took a few packs of tortillas.

"Oh, have you seen those taco tiktoks? I wanna try making it. I wanted to try those for a long time but haven't had the time."

"Oh yea, I've seen a lot of those. They really look good." He said with sparkling eyes.


After paying for the groceries and putting them into the trunk, I sat in the passenger seat as Bokuto went to return the cart.

I was scrolling through my phone, waiting for Bokuto to come back. The door to the driver's side opened and Bokuto got in.

"Hey Bokuto, can I see the pictures you took while we go home?" I asked as I put my phone on my lap.

"Of course. Here." He unlocked his phone and gave it to me before putting on his seat belt.

I smiled looking through the several pictures we took as Bokuto started the car. I sent the pictures to myself as well.

"Hey Bokuto, do you mind if I post some pictures on insta?" I asked looking at his side profile. He was driving with one hand as his other arm was leaning on the armrest.

That's hot..

"Yea, I don't mind." He smiled brightly.

I posted a picture I really liked and then turned off your phone. My phone, however started buzzing a lot after about 5 minutes. Opening it, I saw notifications from instagram coming in. I clicked on them.

miya.(y/n) posted a picture

13 likes and 3 comments
6 minutes ago

Who's that pretty little thing in the back? 🥵miya.atsumu replied to rin.suna she's hot 🥵🥵
miya.osamu replied to rin.suna look at her being all pretty on the shelves 🥵😍

I laughed aloud as I read their comments. Thinking of a retort, I started typing.

miya.(y/n) replied to rin.suna, miya.atsumu and miya.osamu koala cookies would never look y'all's way 😃🤚


"Well, I'll see you later!" I said smiling at Bokuto as I held the last grocery bag in my hand.

"I can't wait to beat you!" He shouted as he made his way to the stairs.

"We'll see about that!" I said before entering our apartment and closing the door.

As soon as I took my shoes off, I was attacked by annoying voices.

"How was your date, (Y/n)?" Atsumu smirked as he wiggled his brows.

"It wasn't a date." I said as I carried the groceries to the kitchen. The door opened behind me as the two jerks followed me.

"The cute couple pictures say otherwise though." Suna dragged the word 'couple' while pulling out his phone and showing my post.

"You guys have been pestering me about this for like almost 3 weeks now! Just stop, we're friends." I said, starting to organize the groceries in the fridge and cupboards.

"Just leave her alone." Osamu came in, knocking his fists on both their heads.

"Anyway, welcome home sis." Osamu passed the boys and stood beside me, patting my head.

"Did you bring them?" He asked, looking through the bags.

"Yes. But I hid them."

"Why?!" All three of them shouted at the same time.

"Because y'all will eat them right away. Also Osamu, do you wanna help me make tacos?" I asked Osamu as I finished putting everything away.

"Of course."


I was sitting at the dining table making some homework as the meat and vegetables were cooking on the stove. Atsumu was sitting across from me also doing schoolwork. The other two were gaming in the living room.

"Oi, (Y/n), can you help me with writing this part of my essay? I don't know how to word it." Atsumu sighed heavily, a frustrated expression taking over his face.

"Yea, just let me finish this real quick and I'll help."

"Thanks." Atsumu said standing up and taking a drink from the fridge and handing me one too.

"Thanks." I said as I took the banana milk from him.

After finishing my homework, I started helping Atsumu with his. We finished after 30 minutes.

"You're a lifesaver, sis!" Atsumu beamed at me happily, earning a smile from me.

The doorbell rang throughout the house, taking our attention.

"I'll get it." Osamu's voice sounded from the living room.

"Hey, hey, hey!" A loud booming voice engulfed the rooms as Atsumu and I made our way to the living room.

Sorry this was a short chapter and kind of a filler ig, I didn't really know where I was going with this one but oh well.

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