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"What do you mean, you can't do this anymore? Did I do something wrong?" Bokuto frowned, his lips forming a pout as his hair lowered as if to express his emotions.

"I mean I can't go on the way we are now." I told him straight-forward, taking a step closer toward him.

Bokuto however turned around walking a few steps before crouching down. I could literally see the sad aura oozing out of him.

"Bokuto?" I asked confused at what he was doing. Going around him, I also crouched in front of the saddened boy. Crossing my arms, I placed them on my crouched knees.

"Leave me alone." He muttered as he made himself even smaller which was ironic due to his large frame.

Oh no, he entered emo-mode.

"Bokuto, what happened suddenly?" I asked him concerned.

"Was it something I said?" I continued.

"Was it something you said? Really? As if you didn't just break my heart!" At this he looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed, on the verge of crying. Seeing him like that broke my heart.

"Wait, what?" I whispered as I put my hands on his as he cupped his face.

"You just said you can't do this anymore with us." His voice cracked when he said this, a single tear dropped from his left eye. I hurriedly wiped it off with my thumb.

"Bokuto, you didn't let me finish!"

"Leave it, I don't want to hear it!" More tears dropped from his eyes as he closed them in an attempt to stop the crying.

"I meant I can't go on with the way things are right now!"

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"It means I don't want to be just friends anymore!" My voice was louder now as Bokuto still didn't open his eyes.


"NO WAIT!" I yelled out before he could judge too quickly again.

"I mean I like you, as in like like." I said as I tore his hands from his face to replace them with mine. I cupped his cheeks gently and wiped his tears with my thumbs.

"You're lying! You're just saying that because I'm crying." He muttered as he looked away to the side, though he didn't push my hands away.

"No, I'm not! I could literally marry you right now! So can you be my boyfriend already?!" I made sure my voice was loud enough so he could hear my words over the walls of his emo-mode.

"Wait what? Are you proposing to me right now?" He asked shocked, his eyes widened as he looked me straight in the eyes.

"And so what if I am?" I asked playfully as I grinned at him.

"Then my answer would be a thousand times yes!" Bokuto beamed excitedly.

"Then I guess we're getting married. Not right now though, how about after we graduate?" I asked him gently, grinning all the while.

"Is that a promise?" He asked nervously, his eyes wavering as if he can't trust my words.
I stuck my pinky finger out to him.

"Pinky promise."

Hesitantly, he locked his pinky finger with mine, and we sealed the deal as our thumbs connected.

"So, do you want to be my boyfriend?" I asked hopefully though my nervousness was quite obvious.

"You ask that after you propose?" Bokuto pulled up an eyebrow as he put emphasis on the word after.

"Well, I asked you before but you haven't answered. So?"

"Of course!" He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer causing me to fall toward him as he fell on his ass.

"Bokuto, can I kiss you?" I asked him as I smiled dumbly at him.

"Do you have to ask?"

Without another word, I cupped his cheeks and brought his face closer to mine, connecting our lips. It was a sweet kiss, just like I imagined.

We pulled apart, looking at each other smiling, our faces dumbstruck before our lips connected again. My hands went through his silver hair, curling around the strands. Meanwhile his hands were hugging my waist closer to his.

Needing air, we pulled apart and looked at each other.

"You know, never mind liking you, Bokuto." I said gasping as I tried to ease my breathing.

"What?" He asked confused.

"I'm hopelessly in love with you." I said as I pulled him in for another kiss.

"Well, what are the odds? I'm hopelessly in love with you too." He grinned at me, one of his hands cupping my cheek.

"Also, I'm so sorry for making you cry! I hate myself for it! I'll do anything to make it up to you!" I talked really fast as I wiped his tear stained cheeks.

"That's really on you, though! Why did you have to confess so dramatically? 'Bokuto, I can't do this anymore.' What did you expect me to think?!" He retorted, an annoyed expression on his face.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to tease you, you know like in the movies when they say something like 'I don't like you, but I love you'. I wanted it to be cute, but you didn't let me finish." I pouted as I looked away. My face heated however, when Bokuto kissed my cheek quickly.

"(Y/n), thank you so much!"

"For what?"

"For confessing and loving me." He smiled a genuine grateful smile.

"Bokuto, thank you for returning my feelings!" I smiled lovingly at him as I wrapped my hands around his neck.

"As if that was a hard thing to do. Also I don't want to ruin this moment, but my butt hurts."

That's when I remembered that we were basically sitting on the dirty ground, in the dark. I stood up quickly and extended my hand to him, which he took and hoisted himself up.

"You totally ruined the moment." I muttered as I dusted myself off.

"Sorry." He apologized as he took the grocery bag with the, probably melted, ice cream. With his other hand he took my hand and started walking toward our building.

"Hey, Bokuto, can I call you Kou?" I was looking down when I asked, but when I felt him stop, I looked up only to see him beaming at me. I could literally see stars glittering in his eyes as he couldn't contain the big grin from spilling on his face.

"Yes! I love you so much!"

I grinned at him, swinging our intertwined hands as we continued walking.

Before long we arrived at our front step, both grinning like idiots, we climbed the stairs to my floor.

I don't know who knocked on the door, but it was suddenly opened by Kuroo who smirked at us as he saw our faces.

"So I guess it's official now, huh?" He asked as he let us in.

"Yes! It's official!" We both yelled in unison as we showed off our intertwined hands.

"Oh my god, finally!" Suna groaned loudly as he rolled his eyes. Looking at him, I saw him, surprise surprise, filming us with his beloved phone.

"You have my blessings." Atsumu puffed his chest proudly as if he were an older brother.

Osamu just laughed, not even bothering to give a comeback at Atsumu as he just smiled at me and patted my head.

This was the best day ever!


"Why is the ice cream melted?!" Osamu screeched after he took the grocery bag into the kitchen.


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