Dolls and Recounted Memories

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Michael's Point of View

"Well hello Shelly, I'm Jennifer. Lilly's mother. And this is my husband Michael. I was so baffled. The bright side was that at least it wasn't a boy. We walked into the dining room where they boys where all snickering. I smacked all of them on the head. Shelly wore a cute sun dress and held and Lilly was wearing jeans and a t shirt. What if Lilly was the manlier one in the relationship? What that question ignorant? How am I taking this so well? Did I clean behind my ears? So many life altering questions.

"So how did you all meet one another!" Jenny asked doe eyed.

"Well we met at the supermarket , exchanged numbers and the rest is history." Shelly answered. Lilly looked at her with the look Jenny gives me. That can only mean one thing. They've been having sexual relations. I needed someone to hug me. I ate my chicken in silence. Everyone proceeded to ask Shelly questions.

"Excuse me, Mr.Mancini. May I have a word with you please?" I led Shelly into my office and poured myself some scotch, I leaned back in my chair and urged her to speak.

"Well sir. I know my presence is a bit of a shock to you but I love your daughter and we've been together for a while. So I wanted to know if I had your permission to marry your daughter."

Why don't they ask Jenny these questions? I don't like making decisions. Which is ironic.

"Well. I respect that you asked for my permission. I don't know how I feel about this. Has she always been a lesbian?"

"Well, frankly sir. She hasn't. I may have convinced her to switch teams. So to speak." Oh my little girl. My princess. What am I going to do. Don't you dare cry Michael.

"I just really love her, and I know I might not have your approval. But she's as stubborn as you are and I'd like your permission and blessing."

"Yes. You can marry my daughter." She ran around the desk and hugged me. "Thanks so much sir. You won't regret it."

"I'd better not. Please send Lilly in." I knew I wouldn't regret it. I have no problem ending someone that hurts my kids. She nodded and walked out with a pep in her step.

"You asked for me daddy?" I straightened up and put out my cigar.

"Have a seat princess. Look its not that I hate her. I will always be apprehensive about anyone who wants to be with you. All I see when I look at you is my little girl who begged me to play dolls with her. And have slumber parties, and reading you bed time stories. I don't have to worry about my sons. But you'll always be my little girl no matter what happens. So it it'll make you happy. I give the relationship my blessing." She nodded and ran over to hug me.

"Thanks daddy. I love you"

"I love you too. And make sure she knows what I do for a living and she'll pay if she hurts you."

"She knows all about you Dad. She's Paulie's granddaughter."

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Fuck.

(February 7, 2015)

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