Sleepless Mornings

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Michael's Point of View

After having my fair share of cookie last night, I was ok to assume I have no energy. None. I am going to sleep for the morning. The kids told me yesterday Jenny was taking them to school today so all I had to do was relax.

Not two seconds after I closed my eyes I heard banging in the kitchen. Someone better not be in my house because I will torture the life out of them. Literally!

I threw on my pajama pants, grabbed my gun, and quietly walked downstairs. All peek around the corner to see kids kids trying to make breakfast. Why are they home?

"Why aren't y'all at school?" They all jumped from the sound of my voice.

"It's Columbus Day." Mikey said.

"Oh yea." I walked back into my room and called Jenny.

"Hello Jennifer Mancini speaking, How can I help you?"

"Why didn't you tell me the kids where home from school?"

"They told me you were taking them to school. Why are they home?"

"They told me you were taking them to school. Plus today is Columbus Day." I was so confused.

"Michael, we are in Italy why would we be celebrating Columbus Day? Nobody should be celebrating that day anyway. And it's not even October!" She said yelling at me.

"Stop yelling at me! They lied to me!"

"Well it's too late to take them now. But I expect all of them to be in there rooms and punished when I get home." She said angrily.

"Alright Jenny. I lo-"

"Whatever Nigga." She hung up on me. I shake my head. She just loves destroying confidence. I went in my drawer and found my thickest belt.

"The Coveted Ass Destroyer Belt"

I mentally prepared myself. I through on some sneakers and a t-shirt and did some warm ups. Why am I preparing myself, might you ask? Because giving those kids a beating is so difficult. I got from youngest to oldest.

I walk downstairs to see them all eating Lucky Charms.

"Marcelino, my son. Come here."

"Sure Dad, whats up?"

"Who told you it was Columbus Day?"

"Uhhh Mikey." He said looking back and forth.

"Lies!" I grab the belt and they scatter. I grab Marcelino and let him have it.

"Now go to your room. And I better not hear anything." He whipped his eyes and ran upstairs.

"Marciano you know your next. If you don't come here your getting extra hits." He crawled out from under the table.

"But dad, I can't read yet. Its not my fault."

"You can read. That doesnt work anymore. DIDN'T. I. TELL. Y'ALL. TO. STOP. ALL. THAT. LYING?" He whipped he nose and ran to his room. Laila slowly walked out and whipped her eyes. I simply plucked her lip. And she ran upstairs. I couldnt beat my princess with the ass beating belt.

I walked outside to Leo's favorite hiding spot. The bushes. He was was such a damn lurker. I pulled him out and let him have it. Next was Mikey who was to smart for his own good. I decided to get a game plan going. How do I effectively maximize the pain inflicted while minimizing the amount of search time? Sat for a few minutes where could that little monster be? Then an idea hit me. I walked into my office and pulled back my filing cabinet.

"I know all this was your idea. It was very clever, but stupid" and I proceeded to tear his ass up.

I took a nap and before I knew it a figure was looking down at me. It was Jenny and she was squinting at me. Why has she been so mad and emotional lately geez.

"What did I tell you?"

"You told me to punish all of them, and I did."

"Let me show you something." She led me downstairs to the family room. And all five of them were watching tv. "What is this?" She said while raising an eyebrow.

"Well I beat them and took a nap." She rolled her eyes.


She walked into the room and turned off the tv.

"Didn't your father tell you to stay in your rooms? Go!" They all scattered away.

"Whats up with you being so mean all the time? Is it lady time already?" She looked at me with a look I couldn't describe and pulled out something.


To be continued. Bum bum bum

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