5.5 - epilogue

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8 months had come and gone since that fateful morning on the bloodied and battle worn Hogwarts school grounds, and Ivy Grangewood had seemingly disappeared.

Amongst all the fallout and chaos from the War, it was almost too easy for the mourning girl to slip away into the shadows. She didn't want to see the world or to let the world see her. She just wanted to be alone. Although if she was to tell you the truth, all she really wanted was for Draco to hold her in his arms one last time and whisper sweet nothings into her ear.

But Draco Malfoy was now just another lost name in the autumn breeze.

Of course, all the papers had plastered pictures of Draco Malfoy and his death across the front pages, some telling of a heroic tragedy and others of a villain whom had met his fate in the same way his father had. But his life was seemingly a passing trend to these writers, as after a few days his name and legacy was seemingly forgotten.

It was truly awful, and by the time Harry Potter had waved his white flag of victory to the Wizarding World, Ivy Grangewood had already bid farewell and left the world of Hogwarts and magic behind.

The heartless headlines were the very way in which Narcissa Malfoy came to find the death of her beloved Dragon. Of course, the elves had tried to hide the papers from her in puddles of broken tears, but the second her eyes landed on the vicious titles, she was utterly and forever heartbroken.

The grief weighed her down to the point she didn't think she would ever find the strength to stand again, but her heart sank even further when she realised that his child was still yet to be born...
when she realised that his only child would never have the chance to meet their father...

She tried frantically to find her son's love, but her searches came to no avail. Narcissa desperately continued to search and enquire for Ivy's well-being every day she was able to pull herself from the grief of her lonely chambers, but Ivy Grangewood was indefinitely gone. No one knew of the girl's whereabouts, and no-one had seen her since that final morning on the hill.

All but Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood were apposed to the mystery of the broken girl. They'd lovingly picked her up and held her close until they were certain she wouldn't shatter into pieces. And only then did they agree to her request.

Ivy Grangewood never did read the paper's exploitation of her Draco's death, for she was too busy on her voyage to find the lover's cottage she was left lovingly behind.

Neville and Luna had helped her on the journey, the three of them beginning this new adventure together on the sunny shore of Cornwall.

Her new home was neatly tucked away in one of the hidden cliffs when they had finally managed to find it, after many tiring days of searching.

Totally hidden from both magic and muggle alike.

The cottage was everything Ivy could've dreamt of and more. It was truly gorgeous, the quaint little home causing her heart to swell and eyes to fill with tears when she stepped through the door for the first time.

The only thought that remained prominent in her mind as they explored the little hideaway was that she could've lived a beautiful life here, with Draco. She continued to wonder what life could've looked like here, tucked away with her love on the sofa in the evenings under a blanket, attempting to cook together in the kitchen, journeying through her pregnancy together ...

Requisite - Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now