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The lessons seemed to go on forever the next day, the clock ticking away the tiresome minutes.

At this point even the teachers seemed distracted. We weren't learning our proper subjects, instead everything we were being taught was based around defence against the dark arts.

Most lessons I worked with Neville, as luckily enough we were put together for the majority of classes, but he didn't quite understand any of the things we were learning. Which I supposed worked well in a way, as I was able to help him through it. It gave me something to distract myself with.

"This is just bloody shit really." He sighed in frustration, dropping his wand onto the table as he failed to complete the spell.

"No you've nearly got it Neville, just keep trying." I picked up his wand, holding it in front of him for him to take.

"Forget it, it's pointless. I'm about as useful with a wand as I am on a broom." His head fell forward into his book, an audible groan coming from him as his motivation levels dropped even further.

"Well at least you've got next period to look forward to." I smirked leaning back in my seat, causing him to look up, bright red with embarrassment.

"What? What do you mean? Why would you say that?" He stuttered, clearing his throat and looking around the room to hide his face.

"Oh no reason..." I bit my lip to mask my smile, knowing full well his crush on Luna had only exceeded to grow.

"Well good because there is no reason." The bell rang in the hall, signalling class was over. In an instant he quickly stood up and gathered his books, avoiding eye contact with me.

I giggled as he quickly left the room with everyone else, looking back to see if I was still watching him. That boy was something else.

I packed the rest of my things together, holding them against my chest before standing up and leaving the dusty old room with the rest of the class.

Students rushed up and down the hall like waves fighting against the tide, scurrying along to next lesson.

I had a free period before the end of the day so I made my way back towards the common room, hoping to go over some of the spells we had learnt in last lesson whilst I tried to motivate Neville.

As I continued to push myself along the trail of students, I noticed someone in-front cutting through the path, making eye contact with me as he did so.

Who else could it be but Draco Malfoy.

My breath drew within my throat as he strode closer and closer, causing me to come to a complete stand still as he stood in front of me, chest touching the ragged books that I held in my arms. I stared into his directly forward into his Slytherin tie, swallowing as I felt his warm breath against my cheek.

His scent filled my nose, a mixture of mint and pinewood. That same blush rose to my cheeks that I was ridiculing Neville for earlier. My heart rate began to increase as his lips lingered by my ear, whispering in a husky voice.

"Follow me to the library."

And just like that, he continued past me. I finally released the breath I didn't know I was holding, blinking myself back to reality. What had just happened?

After a moment or two I processed what he'd said, spinning around to see him pushing his way through the crowd. I gulped, nodding to myself stupidly before following him, apologising as people pushed against me, throwing me around like a rag doll.

Eventually I emerged from the crowd of people, my chest releasing the tension as I finally had some space. My heart was racing as I slowly entered the library, though I couldn't understand why.

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