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I quickly spun around, my heart racing.

"You can come out. I won't bite." That oh-so familiar voice sneered sarcastically.

Harry took a deep breath, staring at the wall in falsified amusement before brushing past me and standing out in the hallway.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" He snapped back, staring harshly across the hall. I slowly followed him out, gulping as my eyes landed on him.

He stood a few metres away in the darkness. His eyebrow had a deep red gash cutting through it, his cheekbone and jaw bruised to match the colour of his robes. His stone-blue eyes flickered up and down in my presence before sharply turning back to Harry.

"Watch your tone with me, Potter. Wouldn't want to be caught out of bed now would we? Especially with Grangewood, knowing your circumstances." A sadistic smirk spread across his face, his hands dug deep into his pockets.

Harry faltered a moment, stepping from foot to foot.

"Whatever your father's told you is a lie."

I felt my brow furrow in confusion, watching as Malfoy laughed to himself, his tongue lingering on his teeth as he grinned, shaking his head.

"Oh I'm sure it is. As well as everything else you've just told her." He quickly drew his wand, out stretching his arm towards us.

I opened my mouth to say something, but no air seemed to escape. His piercing blue eyes snapped over to me, his bottom lip raising in disgust.

"What are you gawping at?" He snapped, his jaw clenching.

Harry looked over at me as I lowered my head in embarrassment.

"C'mon Ivy." He shook his head, beginning to walk towards Malfoy, back in the direction of Gryffindor. "He won't do anything with that wand. He's scared of his own shadow."

Malfoy's faced suddenly weakened, a look of worry and urgency spreading across his features.

There seemed to be something unspoken in the air between him and Harry.

I kept my eyes down as we walked past him, though I could feel him staring straight at me.

"Pathetic really." He finally spat. "Just like your father. It's-"

Harry suddenly turned, slamming him against the wall and holding his arm to his throat as he struggled. The night's light shone through the window onto his face, revealing the extent of his injuries. I winced at the sight of the stitches and bruising.

"Don't you ever say a word against my father. Or you'll end up worse off next time." Malfoy struggled against his grip, his face a mixture of anger and fear. "Pathetic really. Can't even knock me off a broom without hurting yourself." He stepped back, Malfoy's hands beginning to rub his neck as his body relaxed and untensed.

"You're a joke, Malfoy." He spat, shaking his head and storming off back to the dorm.

I was frozen, looking between them both, unsure of what to do or who to follow.

"Dr-Malfoy...what-what did you mean by that?" I whispered, causing him to look up as his platinum locks hooded his eyes.

His eyes flickered over to Harry, watching as he stood there, waiting in confusion as to why I hadn't followed.

"Stay away if you know what's good for you." He raised his lip at the sight of Harry, scoffing as he stood up straight, looking down at him. After a moment or so he turned and faced me, his gaze lingering on mine for a second before he turned and stormed back towards Slytherin.

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