Intense subject ahead.
Fatal illness
Panic disorder
Honestly might just make you cry.🥺She ran her fingers through her hair and pulled it into a pony-tail. The wind felt amazing against her bare neck and tickled at her exposed stomach as they stood atop the rocks overlooking the canyon.
"Drake? What do you think it feels like to die?" she asked, turning to the boy that stood to the left of her.
"Damn Raily, where the hell did that come from?" Josh, the other boy that stood to her right scoft. The three of them had been friends for only a short time. Though none of them could remember what life was like without the other. Their friendship had so effortlessly clicked when they'd met, it was a wonder to them how they'd lived without one and other before.
''Shut up Josh, I didn't ask you did I?" Raily hissed. They were all friends and all three of them had one thing in common. As different as they all were,death was the one thing that tied them together.. They were all dying. At least, faster than the rest of the world.
"I don't know, Raily. I just hope it doesn't hurt like a bitch when it happens." Drake, ignoring Josh's comment, answered. Josh laughed from his place on the rock and stood up. Walking back towards the truck, he reemerged with three beers and a blanket.
"Here, for the pretty lady." he joked, handing Raily the blanket and a beer. Passing one over in Drakes direction he sat back down.
"Even though you didn't ask me the question, I'll tell you what I think." Josh stated earning an eye roll from the two other participants.
"Of course. Because when don't you give your opinion Josh?" Raily laughed, throwing a small pebble at the boy. He stuck out his tongue and continued.
"I think dying wont hurt once you've realised that's what's happening. Sure it will hurt like a bitch if you injure yourself in order to kick the bucket. But," he paused, looking at the two people that sat in front of him and smirked. "In our case, we shouldn't be in too much pain. And god better have some fine ass babes waiting for the two of us, Drake. Cuz' lord knows I've been a saint."
The girl broke out into a fit of laughter. "Josh, sweet heart. I have used many words to describe you over the short time that we've known each other, and let me tell you, A saint is not and never will be one. Nor is it possible to be used in the same sentence as your name." she held her stomach trying to keep the tears of laughter at bay. "And you can't label yourself as a saint."
The boy only pouted, turning to lay on his back. Raily, following Joshs' example laid down as well, still trying no to laugh. Drake looked down at the two people beside him smiling and stood up.
A sharp pain shot through his side at the sudden movement. He tried to hide the fact that it pained him to move as much as it used to as he walked away from his friends and to the car.
Raily looked up at the sky quietly as the two of them laid there. Josh stood for a moment, moving himself closer to Raily and sat back down. He listened to the girls breath as she laid quietly. He turned to her seeing that she'd fallen asleep. He chuckled, pulling the blanket over her to cover her exposed stomach. She looked so cute in her crop top and mom jeans, but it wasn't the ideal outfit to wear during the autumn season.
She shifted under the blanket, her eyes fluttering open.
"Joshy?" she spoke softly, still half asleep.
"Yes Spark?" he said, a smile pulling at his lips. He'd called her spark because her hair was a mix and variety of reds that reminded him of a sparkler. That and her personality was like fire.
"I-i don't wanna die yet." her eyes lidded while looking at the boy who hovered over her. She bit her lip as a tear trickled down her cheek. Josh's thumb wiped away the single tear, his heart feeling torn. This girl in front of him didn't deserve what life had thrown at her. He, of all people, knew that he'd deserve every bit of pain and suffering that the world had dealt him. He was far from a saint and he'd accepted the fact that he deserved death.
But this girl, she was too beautiful to be plagued with death. The universe had made a major screw up when they decided that she was going to die.
"Spark," he whispered, still lost in the girls eyes. His hand cupped her cheek, lightly rubbing across her skin. She breathed out as Josh leaned in, he never broke eye contact as he got closer. Her hands pressed against his chest, stopping him from moving any further.
"Josh, I don't know." she whispered, her eyes falling to his chest. The boy sighed, bringing her to a sitting position.
"Hey, Spark, can I ask you something?" he questioned, pulling at a piece of grass that stuck out of the ground. The girl nodded, wrapping the blanket tightly around her.
"Have you ever been in love?" the question caught the girl off guard. She hadn't been expecting that to be his question.
'I-i mean... I don't know." she looked up at the night sky, biting the inside of her cheek. She wanted to answer his question honestly, but she was afraid of scaring him away.
"That's not the answer I was looking for." he chuckled, pulling the girl wrapped in a blanket closer to him.
"What if I told you I'm in love?" the girl gawked at the boy beside her. He just smiled down at her, his hand rested on her hip.
"I... um," she was at a loss for words at the moment. She was confused as to where all of this was coming from.
"Okay, and what if I told you that I'm in love with a person who I don't deserve nor can I have?" he looked down at her, his voice hinting at something hidden.
"Josh," she spoke, picking at a loose string on the blanket. "Why are you telling me this?" her voice fell to a whisper as his finger sat under her chin, lifting her eyes to meet his.
"Because, I don't want to die knowing I never told the person I loved that I love them." he smiled at the confused look on the girls face.
"Yeah, but why are you tellin...." realisation spread across her features as she finally understood what he was saying.
"Josh, I.."
"It's okay. You don't have to say anything. I figured it'd be like this." he let out a sad chuckle as he brushed a loose strand of hair out of Raily's face. "I'm not good enough for you. You deserve the world and I don't deserve, well anything." the girl shook her head, dumbfounded at the way this boy thought.
"Josh?" she cut him off with a smile on her face.
"Shut the fuck up and kiss me." she whined, taking a hold of the collar of his shirt.
"I- wait what." it was his turn to be confused. She didn't give him a chance to register what she'd said. She pulled him down to her, their lips crashing into each other. They met each other with a feverish pace. Both seemingly not able to get enough of the other.
Raily pulled away first, a smile spread across her face.
"You're really stupid, you know that?" she stated, her arms wrapped around his neck.
"It's all part of my charm." he smiled, pulling her closer to him. He looked around, searching for Drake.
"Hey, where'd Drake go?" he asked, still a bit stuck on the kiss.
"Huh? When did he leave?" Raily sat up completely, looking around for her other friend. She spotted him leaned over beside the car dry heaving.
"Oh my god, Drake." she wailed, frantically making her way to his side. He waved her away, trying to keep his distance from her.
"I-i'm fine. J-just gi-give me a m-minute." he tried to reassure both his friends as he stood there shaking.
"Drake, what the hell?! You're not fine." Raily cried, trying to get closer to him. He waved her away again, accidentally causing her to fall to the ground.
"Yeah man. You look like shit." Josh came up behind Raily as she brushed herself off.
"T-thanks, a-asshole." he stuttered, trying to stand up right. He swayed for a moment as the world around him swung left. He felt the ground hit his ass and realized that he'd fallen backwards.
"Shit." he hissed, looking down and seeing he'd cut his hand.
"Drake, what the hell is wrong?" Raily pried angrily. She was scared. She'd never seen Drake this bad. She knew what his episodes looked like, but she'd never been around for one as bad as this.
"It's nothing, I'm fine." he said, standing up straight, ignoring the way the world tilted again. "Can we just head home now?" he asked, feeling like shit for ruining the night. They all nodded and collected their things.
Josh drove and Raily sat in the front seat while Drake laid sprawled out in the back, trying not to throw up. He dozed off at some point, still feeling irritated and ready to throw up.
"How long has he been asleep for?" an unfamiliar voice spoke.
"About four hours." he could hear Josh's voice as he answered.
"And he didn't eat anything before this happened?"
"No not that I know of." Josh answered the stranger's voice again.
"Do you know about his medical history? Anything that runs in the family?"
"He has brain cancer. Stage two." Raily spoke up.
Drake pried his eyes open to find himself in a hospital bed.
"What the fuck man!?" he hissed in Josh's direction. "I thought I said let's go home, not let's go to the nearest hospital so they can tell me what I already know." Drake said angrily.
"Shut the fuck up. You would have done the same thing." Josh said, turning to a now fully awake and pissed off Drake.
"Drake, quit whining like a bitch and listen to what the doctor has to say." now it was Raily's turn to be pissed.
"I, though I wouldn't have said it so harshly, agree with what your friends here have to say Drake." the doctor chuckled and made his way over to his bed.
"How long have you been feeling like this?" the doctor began his list of questions. Drake, sighing, turned to the doctor.
"Why do I need to answer these questions? I already know I'm going to die." he seemed angry at the fact that everyone around him kept trying to save him. He'd accepted that he was going to die sooner than most. Why couldn't the people around him accept that too?
"Because maybe we can ease the pain a bit. Though I wish you'd let us try and treat you." Drake scoft and shook his head.
"I don't know. I've been feeling more like shit for maybe a month now." he said, not looking at either of his friends.
"Okay. and how bad does it usually get?" the doctor continued.
"Headaches, dizziness. Sometimes I throw up. But I guess this one felt a lot worse than most." he said picking at his bed sheet. He didn't dare look in the direction of his friends, afraid of what their faces would say.
"And have you taken anything for the headaches and dizziness?" the doctor droned on, seemingly not interested in the patience answer.
"No. I usually just ride them out." Drake said hearing Raily hiccup in the corner.
"J-josh, I can't b-breath." Raily fought out the words, clearly struggling. The doctor turned his attention to the now hyperventilating girl.
"Asma?" he questioned. Both boys shook their heads. Josh held onto Raily as he answered the doctor.
"Lung cancer, stage two."
"Stage three." Drake cut in, knowing that Raily hadn't had a chance to tell Josh about the test results. Josh reacted to Drake's statement calmly as he brought Raily to sit down. The doctor came to the frantic girls side and began breathing exercises with the girl.

Short stories
ContoShort stories by meee. I post little stories in the comment sections on pintrest and people seemed to really like them so I decided I'd make a book.