Chapter 2

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Alice's P.O.V.

I have to admit, I had forgotten about the person wrapped in shadows. I was busy with school and other.... thoughts. Being unable to voice my opinion leaves me with no choice but to think about them. 

It was raining hard, it had been raining hard since the Mors Natus last week. Either it was Mother Nature getting back at us for our un-natural life style or because it hadn't rained in a long time. In fact, it hadn't rained for so long, that now it seems as if I will never see the sun again. I was unprotected from the rain and cold, as I was sitting on a bench waiting for a bus. Don't get the wrong idea, I wasn't trying to get hit by the bus, I was sitting here thinking. This is the most quiet part of the city, the bus barely even comes here. No one does.

A song I had listened to once escaped from my memories and into my thoughts, I see a red door and I want it painted black. No more colors anymore, I want them to turn black. That song describes our culture entirely. Suicide is illegal although that's practically what everyone is doing. Preparing for their deaths, spending their whole lives planning their deaths. It's not right, it's not human. 

My eyes were drooping slightly, I wasn't exactly used to sitting still for so long. It was quite peaceful here, even though the cold reached my bones and froze my insides. Next time, I'll bring a heavier sweater. I don't want to be dying from the cold now, do I?

"Hey, wake up!" 

I was not expecting someone to come here and talk to me, and in all honesties, I did jump, "Gosh, what are you doing?! Trying to scare me to death?!"

"No... unless that's what you want."

"Yes. I mean no! No!"

"Ha ha ha, you don't mind if I sit here, right?"

What does he want with me? I'm not that good-looking. I don't have any money or status. Calm down, Alice, he's just an innocent guy.... that's looking way to much at you. 


"Is that a yes or a no?" I looked up at him, his eyes were a turquoise green, he had a few freckles around his nose, and he was pale. His hair was brown, like chocolate. He was skinny, Gosh, he's cute. What am I thinking?! Alice, get you're act together!

"Uh... yes."

"Alright, thanks." He sat down, patting his hands on his legs. I was staring at him, he probably felt my eyes drilling holes into him, but thankfully he didn't mention it and saved my dignity and my speech. 

We sat there like that for a while, both of us shy.

"Say, are you here to die?" He asked.

"Are you?" I responded.

"No." He said, "I shouldn't even be here right now." The second part he whispered, I almost didn't hear.

"I'm not either."

"...Uh... My name's Ashe. Make good use of it, but don't overuse it."

"I'm Alice."

"Alice.... Alice..... I like the taste of your name." He leaned close to my face, "I hope you appreciate your name, there are some people who never get names."

I blinked a few times, I thought he was going to kiss me. I couldn't say I didn't want him to kiss me, but I wasn't sure how I would react if he did.

Ashe's P.O.V.

Oh gods, I almost kissed her. I hope the inner turmoil doesn't show on my face right now. 

"Okay, thanks?" Alice said.

She didn't get my point. I guess I'll have to go straight to it then.

"Do you want to die?"

"Do I?" Alice murmured, "No, I don't want to die. Do you?"

"No. I don't."

"Does... does that make us the only two people on the planet who denounce the way of thinking?" Alice asked.

"Does that make us the only two people able to stop this?"

Alice shook her head, "I don't think we'll be able to do that."

"I have an idea." I told her, "But I'm not sure if it would work. I'm not a good writer at all."

"I'm good at writing." Alice started to look a bit more open to my idea, "What is it?"

"We find the meaning of life, and then we write about it, and deliver it to everyone in the entire world. If people knew the real meaning of what it means to live, then... then maybe they won't believe... believe that death is better than life."

"I don't think that would work. These people, they aren't good at accepting new ideas or... or-"

I cut her off, "They will believe. We will show them the light, we will paint their world white, they will accept the new ideas. There is no way that they won't."

Alice shook her head and stared at her hands. She doesn't believe me. She doesn't know what I'll do to make the world right. 

"Please. I'm pleading, I'm begging. I need your help. You're the only other person who isn't brainwashed. If you won't help me, at least accompany me. I can't find the meaning of life alone, I can't save the word alone."

"Oh, alright. I'll help you. Let's find the meaning of life."

I only hoped it was the right thing to do, getting her wrapped up in my situation. I couldn't be sure if we would make it out as free-people.

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