chapter 4

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I blink my eyes. Where the hell am I? My eyes dart around the room, finally resting on a short, raven haired boy with an arm around his waist. The arm belongs to Bad and I smirk.

Then I remember what happened last night. Or rather this morning. 

But.....I pull out my phone, snapping some photos of Bad and Zak sleeping together. After I have like, 30 photos of them, I decide to wake up George.

I shake him and he wakes up. I put my hand over his mouth incase he tries and say anything. I read the unspoken question in his eyes and I answer by pointing to the two boys sleeping together. I take my hand away from George's mouth and he lets out a soft giggle.

"Blackmail." I whisper and his eyes wide but he nods, taking his phone out and snapping some photos. 

Zak opens his eyes and stretches. then his face reddens as he sees me and George taking photos and giggling. "What the fuck are you doing??" He hisses.

"What the hell does it look like?" I retort through giggles.

Zak tries to get up but Bad squeezes his waist and murmurs, "Noooooo Zak stay." Zak sighs but stops trying to get up, settling for glaring at George and I.

Just then a nurse walks in looking at a clipboard and says to Zak, "I just need to check your arms and then you can go." She looks up from her clipboard sees Zak sitting up on the bed with Bad's arm wrapped around his waist and mouths an Oh. "Is now a bad time?" She asks. Her name tag reads Barbara.

"No. Just let me wake up Bad." Zak replies. Barbara nods. "Bad. Wake up." He says.

Bad says something in his sleep that I can't make out, but it's evident that Zak can because his face tints pink. Then he tries to shake Bad awake, but with his gauze covered arms he fails. 

Finally, I take pity on him and ask, "Would you like me to wake him up?" Zak nods. I take in a deep breath then shout, "Bad! Wake up!!" 

Bad jumps and shrieks, "I'm up! What's happening." Then he realizes that his arm is wrapped around Zak's waist and he flushes red. Bad quickly lets go and me and George smirk at each other.

Barbara seems to take all of this in with a smile on her face. Bad stands up out of the bed and runs a flustered hand through his hair. The nurse goes over to Zak, unwraps his gauze, does a few doctor things that I don't even have a clue what the hell they are, then wraps Zak's arms up again.

"So watch over him, and he can only take the gauze on his arms off after a week so...." Barbara looks at her phone to check the date. "On January 23, you can take the gauze off. Make sure that Zak stays in bed and doesn't overexert himself. " She instructs us. Zak sighs but doesn't say anything.


I wake up with a huge smile on my face. Today's the day! The day I finally get to meet my crush. I practically run into Nick's room, yelling, "Get up! We get to see George today!"

He groans and sits up in bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "What is it?" Nick mumbles. 

"We get to see George today!" I repeat.

He groans. "What time do we leave?" Nick asks. "And what time is it right now?"

I check my phone for the time. "It's eight o'clock. We leave at eleven o'clock. So three hours."

Nick groans again. What is up with him groaning so much? "So then why did you wake me up this early?"

"Because you didn't pack last night, you dumbass." I retort. He groans again but climbs out of bed.

*After they have landed at the LAX airport.*

I pull my hood over my head more and mutter to Nick, "I really wish I could wear something, anything to cover up my face, but that would only just draw even more attention to myself." I sigh. Nick nods in response.

I pull out my phone and text George.

dream: what is ur address??

After 15 minutes of no response I sigh. I call him instead and after the fourth ring he picks up. "Hey George." 

"Hey Dream." George answers tiredly.

"What's wrong? You sound exhausted." I ask.

He laughs on the other side and my stomach flips. "Yeah....I was at the hospital all night. Zak got hurt but won't tell us why or who or what did it."

I sigh in relief that it wasn't George who got hurt but I instantly worry for Zak. "Anything serious?" I ask and Nick shoots me a worried look. 

George sighs. "He has scratches...on his arms. But they seem to be healing pretty quickly." 

I frown and my eyebrows furrow. "Hmmm. Onto a lighter subject. What's your address?"

"Oh, uhm, Zak's address is 123 Seashell Avenue, Xxxxxxxx CA."

(I don't know if this is an actual address but if it is I am sorry and I had no clue. Please don't sue me. >.>)

"So why exactly do you need my address?" George continues. 

"Oh, uhh, I'm meeting you today. Remember?" I try to make it light hearted but a touch of hurt leaks into my voice.  

"Oh, I'm so sorry Dream! It's just been a really long night and morning!" George exclaims. "Let me go tell the others. See you later!" He hangs up, leaving me just standing there look like a fucking idiot.

*After Dream explains everything to Nick and they arrive at Zak's house.*

Ding Dong. The doorbell goes. I quickly take a step back and chew on my lip, waiting for someone to answer the door. The door opens and I suck in a breath. It's George.

WC: 993 

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