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*Time skip to right before the trial for Tyler.*


I chew my lip nervously as I fiddle with my tie. I didn't even know why they were having a trial for him, but I guess everyone deserves a second chance. But then again, he had used up his second chance. And his third. And his fourth. And so forth.

An arm wraps around my waist, interrupting my thoughts. I turn around and see it's Zak. "Hey babe. Lookin' hot." He winks at me, causing my cheeks to grow warm.

"Za-ak." I protest, although it makes me happy that Zak thinks that I'm hot.

He sighs. "Fine. Ready to go to the trail for Ty-oh FUCK! I mean him!" His eyes widen as I start to tremble as the memories hit me. I guess Harvey had been at the grocery store when he had tried to well, rape me.

Even though I've been going to therapy for a couple of weeks, I would still panic whenever I hear his name.

"Shhhh....I'm sorry. Please don't cry." Zak says, panic and worry clear in his voice. He rubs my back and after a few moments I began to calm down. Zak sighs in relief and gives me a hug. He hugs me tightly before letting go and grabbing my hand.

Zak skipped downstairs and I have no choice but to skip since he's holding onto my hand, practically dragging me. I stumble on the stairs, tumbling down and landing on his chest.

Zak winks at me. "Babe, if you wanted to be a top all you had to do was tell me. Although it would never happen."

My face flushes red as I try to explain."The stairs-go-down-I-skip-" My stuttering is cut off by Zak pressing his lips to mine.

"Personally, I love your stuttering. I love that I make you nervous." Zak teases against my lips before he pulls away. I flush again and clamber off of him awkwardly. He giggles and I reach out a hand to pull him up. 

He grabs it and I pull him up while saying, "C'mon you muffinhead, we're going to be late."

We walk out the door and Zak lets go of my hand to lock the door. We climb inside the car and Zak drives to the building where the trial will take place. We reach the building and Zak pulls into a parking spot.

He shoots me a thin smile before taking my hand, leading me into the building, entering the trial room, and taking our seats. Soon it starts, and from Zak and I's seats, I can see him from here. And he can see me.

I take a deep breath to try and calm myself down. It seems to work so I continue to do it. I try and focus but I can't, with him looking at me. 

I guess that he was the one behind the thing or whatever that was hurting people in their nightmares because after he got arrested, they just stopped. The attacks and nightmares I mean.

How he did it, I don't know, but I'm just glad that it's finally over. I guess the trial is over, and everyone is cheering, so I assume that he got sent to prison. 

25 years. That's how many years he would be, or well, is sentenced to since he's going to prison. That's what they said before we came in here.

I'm so caught up in the celebration that I trip and fall. But Zak catches me and smiles. That smile that made me fall for him. And he says those words that will forever change me life forever. "I love you."

WC: 601



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