Run for me

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"Oh and my day just keeps getting better." Bailey Spoke while looking me directly In my eyes and I quickly looked away.

"No. Look at me. I'm not over there." She ordered with a smug look on her face and my eyes snapped back to hers.

"Good job." She teased and despite her blatantly mocking me I still found the strength to blush. I'm not even sure why.

Unlike Ms.Carter and Coach Nelson, this girl was not flirting with me and I knew that.

"Bailey leave her alone." Clary spoke but Bailey ignored her younger sister and continued to provoke me anyways.

"The dumbest girl to ever be on a track team just so happens to make it into Lincoln university." Bailey clapped sarcastically and I scowled at her. "I can practically see the headlines." She laughed.

"That's not funny." I muttered feeling the slightest bit of annoyance.

She walked up to me and I could smell that cinnamon smell again.

She smells nice.

For a moment I thought she was going to punch me. I thought she was going to pull my hair and drag me out into the hall, but she didn't.

"I run the track team here at Lincoln university you got it? I'm team captain so that means you listen to me. You do what I say and exactly how I say it. Do you understand?" She asked and I nodded.

"You know how to use your fucking words right?" She spoke in a calm tone while I stood there feeling a bit disoriented.

Was I frightened or was I turned on? What the actual fuck.

"Yes. I understand." I rolled my eyes in the effort to hide my embarrassment.

"Good." Bailey nodded in contempt and I let out the breath I had been holding when she headed out the room.

"Why are you still standing there like a lost puppy?" She asked with crossed arms and I looked at her in confusion.

"I think she means to take you on the student tour." Clary chimed in with a nervous laugh before mouthing sorry.

So I guess she had been lying about Bailey not being mean. That's the only reason why she'd be apologizing right now.

Bailey Anders was the devils daughter.

I followed her out of my new dorm room and closed the door behind me.

"I didn't know you had a sister." I spoke trying to make conversation so that we didn't have to walk in awkward silence.

"Well now you do." She  Awnsered rather bluntly.

"Why am I getting the vibe that you don't really like me?" I questioned feeling a bit uneasy. I mean I did throw her off her game a little when we were on the field, but it was on accident. I didn't mean to mess up her run just like I didn't mean to step in her lane. She had to know that.

She wasn't going to hold a grudge on me my entire freshman year.Right?

"Listen if you're looking for a friend you're looking in the wrong place. I don't really like having too many people In my circle as it is and I'd like to keep it that way. If you want a friend Clary's my best recommendation, but she's a bit spacey so good luck with that." Bailey shrugged and I tilted my head in deep thought.

"What do you mean by spacey?"

Bailey looked at me from the corner of her eye before looking back forward.
"She's got autism."

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