After practice

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After track practice I was going to wait for Clary, so we could walk back to our dorm together but unlike me she had friends. She was in a group talking to a few girls from the track team.

I sighed and grabbed my things and headed to the dorms by myself. I needed to take a quiet shower anyways and clear my mind. Lincoln university was not what I thought it would be like. This used to be my dream school, but now I couldn't think of a worse place to be.

The urge to cry was strong, but I didn't want to cry in front of all these people. I didn't want to cry at all. The sound of my phone ringing snapped me out of my depressive thoughts. I looked down at the caller ID even though I knew exactly who it was. There's only one person that would ever voluntarily call my phone.

"Coach Nelson. Hey." I smiled as I stopped walking and sat down on the empty bleachers.

"Hey kiddo how are you? I've been thinking about you and I just hope you're having a good time." I smile faltered a little bit, but I heard how happy and hopeful he sounded. I couldn't tell him how shitty this place actually was. It would break his heart.

" Yeah of course I am. Dream college and all hellooo!" I spoke in a sing song voice to make it a bit more convincing.

"That's good sweetheart, you make any friends?" He asked I sighed as I thought about all the mean girls on the track team. Images of Bailey and Kaylee flashed through my mind and my frowned deepened.

"About that-"

"Lolo?!" Clary called from across the field and I looked over at her as she and Jackson headed my way with all of their track gear. "You want to walk to the dorm with us?" She asked and I smiled before quickly nodding.

"Yes I made some friends, and their really cool." I laughed a little to myself before telling Coach Nelson that I had to go.

"Hey Logan can I ask you a question?" Jackson asked and I looked over at him uneasily as we walked inside of the building.

Had he seen me and his brother talking?? What was I suppose to tell him if he did. I was a horrible liar.

"I seen you kiss the track floor earlier-"

"Jack." Clary scolded and I laughed a little.

"No it's okay. I fell that's all." I lied knowing fully aware that I was tripped. By a girl that I hadn't even spoken a word to at that. The track team didn't like me and I'm pretty sure it had something to do with Kaylee and a lot to do with Bailey.

"Wanna know a secret?" Jackson asked and I looked at him curiously a we walked up the stairs. "I was so nervous at my first track meet and I had so much anxiety you know? There were tons of parents screaming in the crowd cheering for their kids and there were just too many eyes. I felt like they were all watching me waiting for me to lose or something. I was so scared I promise you I almost pissed myself." We all laughed at the thought.

"And he tried to chicken out of the race." Clary blurted in a fit of giggles and Jackson grabbed her by her side and pulled her into him.

"Hush Clare I'm telling the story." He laughed and I looked away feeling like a third wheel.

"But anyway I did end up trying to chicken out of the race and Bailey comes up to me and grabs the hell out of my shirt and I'm freaking out because I don't even know who this girl is at the time. So she looks me in the eye and says "Do you want them to call us losers? " and I said no and she pulled me to my feet and dragged me back to the track. By now I'm second guessing life and trying to convince her to run instead of me and she tells me to stop being a little bitch and to show them that Lincoln elementary school didn't come to play."

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