The curse

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Romeo p.o.v.
I reached up and grabbed a pease of paper off of the missions board. It didn't look like it belonged there. I looked down and saw some weird writing on it. I wondered what should I do but then I stopped that though and instead though what would natsu do.

Natsu would probable try and see what it was, so he would ask Lucy and Lucy would ask levy to translate it. I felt so proud that I had figured it out. I ran over to levy and asked her if she could translate it.

" I probable can but I will need my glasses and there at my room in the fairy tail girls dorm."

I frowned, I wasn't allowed to go into to girls dorm. but I new someone who could and was nice enough to go with me plus I enjoyed her company.

I ran over to Wendy. "Wendy can you do me a favor please." Wendy looked a bit shirked at what I asked.

"Sure what is it that you want me to do." she said

"I want levy to translate something for me so I was wondering if you could go up to the girls dorm and get her glasses for me. You cause your a girl." I asked her.

"Ok that's easy but Romeo why can't you get them yourself. Not that I'm telling you know or trying to be rude or anything I was just wondering." She said with a blush I could tell that she was trying to be nice.

"Because boys aren't allowed to go inside."

"Oh Ya I forgot that but I though you would have gone inside anyway, because it sounds like something natsu would do and you seam to look up to him a lot."

"It is something he would do. hmmmm but how would I get in Ezra is guarding the place."

"Why don't you dress up as a girl and walk inside?"

I looked at Wendy and tall she was. she around my hight. I could borrow one of her dresses. She was the right hight and we where the same age so I could pretend to be one of her girlfriends. But I didn't have breast. I looked at Wendy's breast and saw that she didn't have any either so I guess I'll be fine.

I smiled at Wendy, "that's a great idea Wendy and I know just where to get the close for it to." She looked a bit confused at what I said so I explained that I was going to borrow one of her dressed and pretend to be one of her girlfriends so that I could sneak inside and get a look at the girls dorm. Wendy looked a bit worried but she agreed to it.

As soon as u was ready and looked like a girl I went up the big hill with Wendy and we went into the girls dorm. It was scary at first because I was afraid that I would get caught or worse that someone would see me dressed up like the way I was. It was really embarrassing.

As we went up to levy's room we heard a loud boom come from the guild both me and Wendy looked out the window and saw a great big cloud of darkness swirl over the guild when something struck the guild and everything went silent. All was quiet to quiet. No one was talking in town and u couldn't hear any noise from the guild. A bad feeling sank to the bottom of my stomach. Something wasn't right and when I looked over to Wendy I could tell that she though something was wrong as well. We both looked at each other and nodded. I rushed over grabbed the glasses and we ran for all that we where worth. As we got closer though that sinking feeling in my stomach only got worse. I pick up speed and burst through the front doors I looked around and saw that everyone was still. They looked as if they where frozen in place. I ran over to natsu and waved my hand in his face he did nothing. I was getting scared when I heard Wendy call over to her. She was stand beside levy who had her glasses on and in her hand was the translated version of what was written on the paper.

I looked over at Wendy and she nodded for me to grab the paper. I looked at it and read it.

"To all who dare to read this beware. 3 weeks time is all you have to save yourself from the curse. To be frozen in time for all eternity. Go to the land of mist and there you shall find an old man who will tell you where to find the frozen midnight flower. Which blooms ever 1000 years and the smell of the flower will be so strong as to wake the people frozen in time. In 3 weeks time the flower shall bloom and if you do not awaken the frozen people in time then they shall wait 1000 years until the flower blooms again." At the bottom of the page was a note that levy wrote and that one word scared me and Wendy because as we looked at the paper the words started to appear almost as if they had just been by someone that we couldn't see. The two words that appeared at the bottom sent me and Wendy into action. "HELP US!" I looked at Wendy and gave a small smile.

"Are you ready for our first mission." this was not how I wanted to start out. But I was a member of fairy tail and fairy tail members never left there own to defend for themselves. I looked down at the paper and new that everyone could see, move and hear us but it was sort of like it was there spirit that did though we just couldn't see them. How did I know? Because when I looked at the paper again I saw more words appear and they said "PLEASE HURRY ROMEO AND WENDY! THIS IS NOW A MISSION THAT YOU ARE BEING GIVEN BY MASTER AND HE SAYS GOOD LUCK. PS NICE DRESS ROMEO." I blushed at that last part but grabbed Wendy's hand and started pulling her with me. As we turned around and both looked at the guild I felt sad. But Wendy just looked at me and smiled and then we where off.

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