Mission start

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Wendy p.o.v.

This was our first mission and we where doing it alone. I was some scared but happy because I was total alone I had romeo with me.

But there was a problem I didn't know how to get to the land of most and I don't think Romeo did either but we had to try and save our friends.

I was worried that something would happen you em why we where gone.

"Romeo do you think that we should ask sting kun and rogue soma to watch everyone and make sure nothing happens here."

"Your right Wendy we don't want them to get hurt why we are gone. I'll call them right now." Romeo walked away and called dying and rogue and told them what happened. That agreed to help.

With that settled me and Romeo started heading to the land of mist. But as we got to the top of a hill right by the village Romeo blushed and looked at me.

"Um *cough* I don't actually know how to get to the land of mist. Do you?"

I blushed because I had hoped that Romeo knew how. Apparently he didn't either. What where we going to do.

"No I don't know how to get there." After saying that I could feel the tears come to my eyes. How where we going to help the guild if we couldn't even find out where's e land of mist is.

Romeo had a panicked look on his face when I started to cry and I could see that he didn't know what to do. I just felt even more sad. I want Carla back. She would know what to do.

I felt someone hug me and looked up to see Romeo trying to comfort me.
Romeo's p.o.v.

When Wendy started to cry I panicked. I ha never felt with this kind of thing. I didn't want to see her cry, it made me a bit uncomfortable and sad. She started crying a bit harder. I decided to try and comfort her but I didn't know how. What would natsu nii do. I though for a moment and then bent down and hugged her. She looked at me and then hugged me back. After a moment or two. She stopped crying and stood up I do as well.

"Maybe someone in the village knows where it is. We can always ask around." Wendy said. I was glad that she was happier.

So I nodded my head and said "Ya there's bound to be at least one person who knows where it is."

We ran around the village asking people if they knew where it was. No one did though. Tired, hungry, and about ready to give up we went to a restaurant and sat.

"I can't believe that no ones where this the land of mist is." I said in frustration.

"Excuse me miss but did you just say the land of mist." I looked up to see an old man looking at me. Did he know where the land of mist is. I almost jumped out of my seat and begged him to tell us when a though hit me.

"Miss?" Wait oh no I looked down at my clothes and up at my hair and saw that i was still dressed as a girl. My life was over.

"Do you know where it is." I heard Wendy say.

"Yes." the man said I do know where it is.

Me and Wendy jumped up joy on our faces. "Can you tell us how to get there." I said.

"Sure but what would two young girls want in the land of mist."

I spoke up before Wendy, "where in the fairy tail guild and we need to get there to complete our mission." I didn't want anyone to know that something happened to the guild. You never knew who you could trust.

"Ah that makes more sense. Well you see that hill," he pointed at the hill to the north that lead to the mountains, "go past that hill and around the mountains after that you travel to the second town, That's about a 4 day walk by the way, you can rest there at an inn called cozy home. I have a friend there you just tell him that crazy mike sent you and that you need directions to the land of mist. He will show you the rest of the way."

"Thank you" me and Wendy said.

"Be careful you two."
Me and Wendy went on our way hurrying there hoping to get to at least half way around the mountain before night fall.


"Yes" I looked over at Wendy to see her blushing. I wonder what was with her.

"You know that you are still dressed as a girl right.?"

I felt my face turn I bright color. I didn't want to admit that I had forgotten so I came up with a quick idea to tell her so I didn't look like a complete fool.

"I...I new.... That... I.. I.. Just... T...tho..thought that maybe I should dress like a girl so that it didn't look that weird with a guy and girl traveling together with each other." I rushed the last part out fast so that I wouldn't stutter. I'm so stupid no way she would fall for that.

"Oh that makes sense." Wendy said and smiled at me. She believed me. 0.0

"Ok" I said

The rest of the way there we where quiet. When darkness fell we started to make up camp.

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