Where It All Goes Down (Literally)

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He found her standing on the astronomy tower holding his wand dangerously over the edge. The Gryffindor turned to face him with a wicked grin. 

"I believe that's my wand you've got there," George said as he advanced on her. "You've got nowhere to run. Hand it over Nova." 

"No," she said simply as she tossed it off the tower. George rushed over and watched it fall. Nova now whipped out Harry's wand -which she also knicked- and shouted,

"Wingardium leviosa!" Levitating George's wand back to him before it hit the ground 164 feet below. George snatched it, then turned to Nova.

"You've got my wand and..." he trailed off unsure of who's wand it actually was.

"Harry's" Nova finished. 

"You know, I heard you were a little thief I just didn't believe it until now." 

"Oh yeah, just gotta do what you've gotta do"

"Why is it that your stealing wands?"

"Well you see I was on the astronomy tower and dropped my wand, just like now except this time it was on purpose. I ran down to grab it and it looked just fine, but when I tried to perform a spell it didn't work right. Luckily it was the weekend and I was able to go to Diagon Alley and have Ollivander fix it. He said it was a "simple fix" but if it really was a simple fix then why would he tell me that it would take a MONTH to fix. Anyway, I didn't have money with me nor did I have the key to my vault. So I just set on borrowing my friends."

"Well, I hope you get your wand back soon." And with that, he left. 

Nova was now alone on the astronomy tower with Harry's wand. She walked over to the railing and looked down. The tower was very tall and when they had astronomy they would always get a warning to be careful. Amelia though didn't always follow the rules. She liked to sike her friends out that she was about to fall off. It worked every time. 

She started thinking back on old memories of her friends and without thinking she started flipping the wand over the edge. She knew it was dangerous because if she dropped it the same fate that happened to her wand would happen to Harry's. But she continued for it was satisfying throwing and catching the wand with ease. 

Repeatedly she threw the wand in the air and caught it. Threw it and caught it. She was lost in thought when suddenly Harry's wand didn't hit her hand. It missed. Slipped right through her fingers. She made a grab for it. 

Miraculously she caught it but she wasn't on the astronomy tower anymore. She was instead plummeting toward the ground.

Her life flashed before her eyes and then with a hard impact, her world went black.

Okay so I changed her name from Amelia to Nova 

Anyways how y'all doing I'm watching a stupid movie help. I'm being forced 

Okay and now it was just a s*x scene. If you'll excuse me I need to go and vomit.

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