Getting To Know You

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Draco was so happy that he was the only person who Amelia remembered. He felt special for the first time in forever and wanted that all to himself. He sometimes hoped that she would only remember him until she started to make new memories with people. And even then hoping that she would forever stay glued to him. 

The flames were already lit and the more she thought about her the more and more they grew. They weren't even close to full burn but they already were engulfing him talking him under the power of love.


Amelia bounded down the hall to the Slytherin common room. She found where she was told to go and said the password she was given. The door started to move and she hesitantly stepped inside. She had lost all her confidence wished to turn invisible as all eyes turned towards her and a Gryffindor walked through their territory. She had to bring herself back so she straightened up, her head a little head, and pushed her shoulders back. She lengthened her stride acting like she was meant to be there because she was. She was here for a reason. She walked up the steps to the boy's dormitories and heard a few gasps. Then she heard murmurs and whispers which turned back into conversations as they remembered this was their place, not hers. 

She found the right door and knocked. Sounds of movement came from inside and someone who wasn't Draco opened the door. He looked confused as she looked past him looking for Draco.

"Woah there missy, what do you think you're doing?" He questioned, closing the door a little and filling the remaining space.

"I'm here to see Draco."

"What for?"

"None of your fucking business. Now is he in there or not?"

Before he could answer he was yanked back and a familiar blond took his place. 

"Alright, would you like to do this in here or in the common room?" Draco asked.

"Hey now Draco, save that for when no one is in the common room."

"She isn't here to fuck Zabini, go kill yourself."

Amelia slid through the opening that Draco had created and was greeted with a strong smell of cologne. She took in her surroundings and found that only one area was a disaster. The sheets were strewn everywhere, clothes surrounded the bed, the curtains were ripped and tattered and in some spots completely gone. 

Draco led her to a bed that wasn't occupied and she could only assume was his.

"Who is that?" She whispered to him, a bit scared of the other guy in the room who wouldn't stop staring at her.

"That's Blaise Zabini, he's one of my closest friends but he can be a real bitch sometimes."

"I thought that was your brand?"

"Ha ha very funny."

She pushed herself up and whispered in his ear. "Could you tell him to stop staring at me it's kinda scaring me?"

Blaise let out a whistle at the closeness of the two but Draco told him to fuck off, reminding him that he has an immense load of work to do.

They sat there on Draco's bed talking about themselves. The more Draco spoke the more she remembered about him. She could always tell when she was missing information on people nowadays but she really felt like she remembered everything there was with him. Eventually, they started to just joke around, poking fun at each other. 

Neither of them paid attention to the time and only then discovered that it was 1 am. 

"How about you just sleep in this bed?"

"I don't mind."

Amelia laid down under the covers and was about to ask where he would sleep but she was already unconscious. Draco went to the bathroom and got ready for bed. He slipped into his real bed which was the tattered one. He laided his head down on the pillow only to be greeted with the still wet blood from last night. He grabbed his sheet and laid down letting his hair sop up the blood. He knew he wouldn't sleep so he didn't even try. He lay there staring at the top of his bed with a blank mind. He picked himself up at 6 am to wash his hair and make a different bed look slept in. 

It was 6:30 when Amelia woke up. She gently got out of bed and said thanks and goodbye to Draco making her way down to breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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