The Hospital Wing

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Nova's eyes fluttered open but were immediately shut again because it was so bright. She now felt a rush of pain go to her head signaling her headache. She wasn't sure of the time, the date, where she was, and what lead her to this mysterious place.

She then heard voices. Voices she didn't recognize though she had a feeling she should. They drew closer and closer. They sounded worried almost.

They now came into view. She didn't recognize them still so she was curious as to who they were here to visit. The Hospital Wing was empty except for her and this other Hufflepuff boy. To her surprise when they saw her, they rushed over.

"Nova! Oh my gosh, are you alright?!" The strange girl asked.

"Yeah I'm quite fine but, uh... could you remind me of who you are?"

The girl let out a small sob and nodded her head. "I'm Hermione Granger, that's Ron Weasley, and this is Harry Potter."

Harry Potter... Harry Potter... Harry Potter. Nova repeated the name over in her head. It sounded familiar but yet she couldn't put her finger on it. Whoever they were they sure had some mixed expressions. The Hermione girl was crying while smiling with worried eyebrows, such a hard expression to read. The familiar but unknown Harry Potter looked sad and talking to a very confused-looking Ron.

"No Ron, I'm not sure what's happening. I'm not the nurse here now am I?"

"Alright, Harry! No need to get upset."

"Boys! Stop fighting. I'm going to get Madam Pomfrey," Hermione said, turning on her heels off to get whoever Madam Pomfrey was.

A rather old looking lady came in and escorted the three out.

"Now, let's just put you back to sleep." She had me drink a foul tasting liquid and I was out like a light.


"Oh go on, just talk to her. People say she doesn't even remember anyone so I think you'll be fine." There was shuffling and then sounds of a chair being moved.

"Umm. God Pansy, what am I supposed to say."

"Oh I don't know, maybe see if she's away first."

Cold hands started to shake me. I was fully awake but I pretended like he was just waking me up.

When my eyes fluttered open in the most realistic way I could, I was met with a pair of gray eyes flecked with baby blue.

"What the fuck Draco. Why the hell wouldn't you let me sleep. I'm pretty for sure I'm injured and may be mentally ill."

"Oh, I'm sorry," He seemed genuine. "Wait, you know who I am?"

"Well I guess I do," I stated plainly although it shocked me too that the only person that I've recognized so far was a cold, grumpy looking teenage boy. Who, not to mention, was pretty hot.

"Well uh, I was just checking in on you to make sure you're okay," he seemed like he was getting nervous. "Come in Pansy let's go, she seems fine to me."

He started to walk past her when she pulled his wrist and whispered to him. Although I pride myself on having excellent hearing. So basically I heard all their conversation.

"For fucks sake, Draco. Just talk to the damn girl. You're the only person she seems to have remembered so looks like your special."

"Special, please. She probably just remembers me as the guy who was a bitch to her."

"Yeah, I swear, you need to get that stick removed from your rectum."

"Not funny Pansy."

"I thought it was and I'm pretty for sure so would everyone else. You're just sensitive and can't take a joke."

"I'm done here."

"You aren't leaving until you have a nice, civil conversation with her."


But the nurse came back in.

"It's time for you all to leave. Amelia isn't having visitors right now." She tried to shoo them away but Pansy piped up.

"She remembers him. She really does. When she woke up she remembered him. She said his name, and some other words you wouldn't want me to repeat."

"But you do say anyways," Madam Pomfrey said. "Well, is she telling the truth? Do you remember him?"

"Yeah, sort of. His names Draco Malfoy, he's a pure blood Slytherin and there's something else about him that I can't quite place."

"Well then, it's settled. Your going to spend time with him ones you're healed and get to know all about him and hopefully gain your memory back of everyone else." Madam Pomfrey said.

He smirked. His smirk. It was so familiar.

That was it. He was a bitch. What I couldn't place was that he was a 'bully'. But maybe I'm just insane. I'll get to know him and maybe figure out why he's the only one I remember.

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