Chapter One- Pancakes And Announcements

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"Happy birthday, Y/N." Arrives a text from Clay. I call him. "Hey Clay." I speak sleepily into the phone. "Sorry, if I woke you." He says into the phone energetically. "What's up?" I mumble into the phone. "I remembered your birthday and decided to text you because I thought you were asleep." He says. "Would you prefer if I call you Clay or Dream?" I mumble and then yawn. "Clay is fine but when you're on the server call me Dream." He says. I can almost hear him smiling. "I'm finally allowed on the server!?" I say a bit too loudly. "Yeah call your brother." He says. "Clay I'm on a call to you, idiot." I say. "Wow I can almost hear you rolling your eyes." He giggles. "Oh shut up Clay." I say. "I gotta go, love you." He says. "Love you too." I giggle. He hangs up. I decide to get up. "6AM, damn Clay go to bed." I say getting up to make myself food. I snap Clay a photo of me and caption it "Oi mind coming making me food" I send it. He sends me a pic of a close up of his face. "No u come to me lol" He captioned it. "Ok getting ready and coming over have food prepared." I caption a random photo of my wall. "Nah we cook together bestie goals" Dream send back with a picture of his eye. "Oh btw what should I wear." I say sending a close up of my eye. "Hoodie and leggings." He responds rather fast. "Ok getting ready idiot." I snap him back. "OoOo sEND me pICs." He texts back. "Don't u have a bf?" I snap back. "George isn't my bf." He snaps back. "Sure sure." I send then close the app. He sends me a pic of him in his chair. "F U" He says. I set my phone down. I get changed into what Clay suggested. I make sure all my doors are locked, then I leave to go to Clay's house. I snap him a photo of his door. "OPEN THE DOOR." I snap him. I realise he's streaming, I look at his stream. "My friend just snapped me. Hold on guys I promised I'd make her food." He says. I type in chat "OPEN MY FUCKING SNAP BITCH." "Get off my stream." He says. He stops talking on stream and his door opens. "Hi idiot." He says. "Aww missed you too." I say walking into his house. "Wow it's hot in here." I say. "I know it's my house after all." Clay says smirking. He starts to pour the pancake mixture into a pan. "Can I go talk to Gogy?" I say looking hopeful. "Of course just end the stream while you're in there." Clay says. "Okay!" I say. I walk into his room and put his headphones on. I end the stream. I look at who's in the chat, Sapnap and George. "Heyyy." I say into the mic. "Oh hi Y/N!" Sapnap says. "Hey Y/N" George says. "Hi guys. Cl- Dream is making me food." I say. I hear a ding as someone joins the call, I go to look but luckily I don't need to I hear a booming voice in my eardrums. "HI Y/N!" Tommy yells into his mic. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY." He screams. "Shut up, Tommy my head hurts." I sigh. "Hey guys I'm going to read heat waves to Dream. It's a pretty good fanfic, I'm only on chapter 6." I say. "OMG YES Y/N!" Sapnap screams from the mic. "Hey Y/N mind unplugging the headphones?" Clay says entering the room setting my pancakes next to me. Tommy leaves, I watch his name go grey.

Dream/Clay's POV:

"So guys one time I was scrolling through Twitter, right?" Y/N begins. "Alright?" George, me and Sapnap say in sync. "And like I see this post and it says DreamNotFound is literally a weird and disgusting ship. Like ew." Y/N says getting interrupted by Sapnap. "Ok first of all WHAT THE FUCK. SECOND OF ALL PUT THIS PERSON BEHIND BARS and third of all, I ship it, now continue Y/N." Sapnap says waiting for her to speak. "So it said it's so disgusting like they're both guys. Like I don't see what's personally wrong with that? Like if Clay and George wanted to date they could. Like what is wrong with this world? DreamNotFound is a beautiful ship. So, uh yeah." Y/N finishes waiting for us to speak. "I mean, Y/N is not wrong, with my good looks and George's personality we would be like a matchmade in heaven." I flirt. "So Sapnap should we just go?" Y/N suggests. "Yeah Y/N give me your number." Sapnap says. I watch Y/N's fingers glide across my keyboard as she sends Sapnap her number. "I sent it Sapnap." She says as she rises from my chair and hands me the headset. She leaves the room getting a call from Sapnap, she eats her pancakes as she closes the door behind her. Sapnap leaves the call with Dream and George. "I guess it's just us now." I flirt. "Whatever Clay." George says. "I bet you're flustered and you are blushing." I say smiling. "How come Tommy's sister knows what you look like?" George says clearly trying to change the subject. "Me and Y/N are the same age." I say. "And we have kinda just known each other for a while." I say dazed. I hear Y/N laughing in the kitchen. "Y/N is laughing at Sapnap or with Sapnap. Help me figure out which." I say to George. "Ok I'll be quiet, go up to the door and listen." George says. "Nah Clay is so ugly." Y/N giggles. I bust through the door. "HEY WHY ARE YOU BEING RUDE?" I scream at her. "Shit, Sap I got to go. Plan my funeral." Y/N says hanging up the phone. I walk over to her. "So Y/N.." I begin. "I'M SORRY PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" She screams. I hear a noise from the voice chat and Tommy begins to speak. "Dream tell my sister to call me." He says. "TOMMY, CLAY IS GOING TO MURDER ME HELP. PLEASE!" She yells. "Everything's fine, Tommy. I'll ask her to call you back." I respond. "YOU BLOODY HURT HER I'LL COME TO YOUR HOUSE WITH A CAMERA AND POST YOUR FACE ON TWITTER!" Tommy yells. I mute my mic and set my headphones down. "So you think I'm ugly, Y/N?" I say looking into her eyes. "No Clay I don't. Of course not! If I wasn't your best friend I would definitely go out with you." She says hugging me. "Damn you are tall." She mumbles. I giggle. "You say that every time we stand next to each other or hug." I say laughing. We hear annoying screams from the headset. She picks up the headphones and unmutes, then says "Tommy shush we are having a moment." She says and then mutes the headset. She begins to hug me again. I think to myself, damn why is she so short. It feels illegal to be that short. "Clay?" She says looking up at me. "Yeah?" I look down at her staring directly into her bright eyes. She looks kind of sad. "I'm going home to see Tommy. Today" She whispers, looking at the floor. She pulls away from our hug. "T-today?" I say shakily. "I haven't seen him in person in a year." She mumbles. I felt really upset. She has came to my house everyday since we first met. It's going to be so weird without her here. At least I can still talk to her. "Where are you going to stay then?" I mumble. "I am either going to ask my parents or I'm going to ask George. Or someone else that we play with." She answers slowly. "I doubt Tubbo can let you stay with him. Maybe Wilbur will. Don't stay with George, he'll snoop through your phone for photos of me. Your parents, not the best idea." I say smiling at her. She smiles back. "Happy plane ride for 7 and a half hours." I giggle. "Haha." She rolls her eyes. "Well I am going to go home and stream." She says grabbing her phone. "Bye, I'll miss you." I say. "Bye miss you too." She says walking out the door. Last time I'll see her walk out that door for a week. "DREAM IS Y/N STILL ALIVE OR ARE YOU BURYING HER BODY?" I hear George yell from my headset. Crap I totally forgot I was on voice chat. I get a snap from Y/N. "Hey I'm home also don't tell Tommy I am coming. It's a surprise. Bye :P" I send her a picture of me with my headset on, saying "Okay, make sure to crash the plane." She sends back a picture of her doing a thumbs up. I laugh.

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