Chapter 7

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~ a week later~
Makayla friends left to go back after spending a week. Makayla, Bella and Edward were on the mountain. As Makayla stepped out of the tent she looked and saw Jacob and Bella kissing. She was shocked. Edward was right behind her. "I'm sorry" Edward said. Makayla nodded and took off. She kept running and running. She felt free to say the least. She was lost in the woods now. "Hello love" a voice said behind her. She turned to see the one person that made an impact in her life. "Hi Klaus" Makayla said. "Makayla are you alright" Klaus asked. "Yeah I am. What are you doing here" Makayla asked. "I'm here to give you your day light ring back." Klaus asked. "Thanks" Makayla said as Klaus gave her the daylight ring. When Makayla put the ring on her eyes changed from yellow then back to her normal eye color. "I'll see you when you need me love" Klaus said. Then speed away. Makayla smiled and walked back to Billy house. But then she felt pain in her side. She grunted in pain. She stood up with her might and walked to Billy house. She looked so messy and dirty. She saw the pack and the elders there. As Carlisle was talking to the pack about Jacob condition he saw Makayla." Makayla" Carlisle said. Everyone turned around and saw Makayla. She was limping. Then before she fell do her knees Carlisle speed over and picked her up. He carried her to Billy house. "The imprint bond got herself hurt but it looks like her side where Jacob got hurting is fine. She looks healthy but she needs to rest" Carlisle said. Carlisle noticed the daylight ring on her hand and knew one of The Mikaelson's were out there but they were long gone. 'How does she know The Mikaelson's' Carlisle thought. Carlisle put Makayla inside the house and put her on the bed in Rachel's room. Rachel was one of Jacob older sister. Rachel and her sister Rebecca were in Hawaii married and with kids but Rachel does travel like Makayla does sometimes. The pack walked inside the room where Makayla was inside. She had her back turned to them and her eyes closed. She was asleep. The pack walked out and let her sleep. Makayla opened her eyes and they were yellow. Then her eyes closed and she went back to sleep. During the night Makayla looked at her phone and grabbed it and saw it was a text. "Hey are you okay. Klaus told us what happened" The text messages from Elena Gilbert her cousin." I'm fine. I hopefully will get to see you guys again" Makayla texted back. She then thought about what she was gonna do. She got her clothes on and walked out of the house being quiet. She needed to leave. She needed time. She went to he house. Her dad wasnt home and she made sure to leave a note saying where she was and why she left. She packed up and got her stuff in her car and drive away from Washington and on her way to Mystic Falls to stay with her cousin. As much she didn't want to leave her mates she needed time because of what happened today. She got her phone and called her cousin." Jeremy it's Makayla I'm coming to live with you and your sister" Makayla said." okay see you soon Kayla" Jeremy said. Makayla smiled and hung the phone up. She always had a close relationship with her cousins.
~ a couple days later~
Makayla finally made it to Mystic Falls. She looked at her phone to see a lot of message and calls from people in Washington. She ignored them. She finally made it to the Gilbert house. She got out the car and walked to the house. She was a vampire as well. He cousin boyfriend Damon changed her because of an accident she was in. Damon and Makayla were close as well. Elena was grateful they got a long. The Mikaelson's and the Scooby Doo gang were in the Gilbert house for the return of Makayla Swan. A knock made Elena get excited. She opened the door and there stood her cousin. The two shared a hug. Makayla walked inside with her bags. She was tackled into hugs by everyone. She saw her niece Hope and picked her up. "Hi Hope" Makayla said. Hope cooed and smiled making Makayla smile. Now Makayla was home. Makayla decided to take a picture with the group. She sent the photo to her father saying she was fine and with her cousins. Charlie got the message while being with Billy after knowing his youngest daughter took off. He looked and smiled. "She's okay. She's staying with her cousin" Charlie said to Billy. Billy nodded and looked at the photo and was shocked to see that Makayla knew The Salvatore's and The Mikaelson's. At least she was safe.

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