Chapter 13

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It was the day everyone was afraid of. The day of the battle. But before anything some last minute decisions were made. The pack wasn't fighting. The Cullen's thought it would be a good idea. Hayley the night before had got Emily and Hope so they can leave with the pack. Those requests were made by Makayla and Klaus. So everyone was standing in the snow. The Pack was in their human forms and Emily stood next to Sam. The Mikaelsons, The Mystic falls gang and Makayla were in the forest. The Cullen's and witnesses standing and waiting for the Voltouri. Hayley had gotten her pack to help the fight. Werewolves like Hayley and Makayla were dangerous and their bite could kill you. The crescent pack was also in the woods in their human forms wanting to fight to protect themselves and their people. Soon The Voltouri had shown up. Soon howls were heard. The Mikaelsons, The crescent pack, The Mystic Falls gang and Makayla walked out from the woods. All with serious looks on their face. Makayla outfit

Makayla stood in front of Sam's pack with Klaus, Damon and Elijah

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Makayla stood in front of Sam's pack with Klaus, Damon and Elijah. The others were gathered around ready to fight. Carlisle stepped up. "Aro let us discuss this in a civilized matter like we used to" He said. "Fair words Carlisle little out of place given the patalium you have assembled against us" Aro said. "I can promise you that was never my intend. No laws have been broken." Carlisle said. "We see the child do not treat us as fools" Caius said. Makayla could feel her werewolf side trying to be unleashed. Klaus noticed and held her hand. Makayla soon calmed down. He could feel his werewolf side coming through a little. "She is not an immortal. These witnesses can attest to that. Or you can look she the human flesh and blood in her cheeks" Carlisle said. "Artifice" Caius said. "I will collect every fastet of the truth. But from someone more central to the story. Edward. As the child clings to your newborn mate I assume you are involved" Aro said. Edward walked up to Aro. Bella projected her shield but Makayla used her magic and made the shield go away and mind linked her sister. "It's not gonna go far so projecting it as he walks to them isn't going to keep up" Makayla said in her mind. Bella nodded. Edward gave Aro his hand and saw everything. "I'd like to meet her" Aro said. Edward looked at Bella who nodded and started walking holding her daughter hand. Bella looked at her sister. Makayla began to walk with them and soon they made it to the Voltouri. "Ahh young Bella and Makayla immortality becomes you" Aro said making Makayla flash her yellow eyes. Aro looked at Renesme and heard her heart beat. Renesme walked up to him and put her hand on his cheek showing him her memories. "Magnifico" Aro said soon Renesme removed her hand. "Half mortal half immortal conceived and carried by this newborn while she was still human" Aro said looking at Bella. "Impossible" Caius said. "Do you think they fooled me brother" Aro told him. Edward, Bella and Renesme began to walk back to the Cullen's. Makayla growled at Aro and walked back to the Cullen's. "Bring the informer forth" Caius said. "Is this the child you saw" Caius asked Irina. "I'm not sure" she said looking at Renesme. "Jane" Caius said. "She's changed this child is bigger" Irina said. "Them your allegations were false" Caius said. "The Cullen's are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake" Irina said. She looked at the Cullen's. "I'm sorry" she whispered. Edward knew what was happening. "Caius no" He yelled but some Voltouri members ripped Irina apart. Tanya and Kate tried to run at the Voltouri. Some of the Cullen's held them back. Bella led her daughter to Makayla. "Blind them" Edward told his sister in law. Makayla used her magic and took the Denali eyes sight away. "Give me my sight back" Tanya said. "Tanya this is what they want if you attack now we all die" Edward said. Tanya and Kate calmed down. Makayla gave them their eyes sight back. Soon Aro looked at Jane and nodded for her to use her gift. Makayla noticed and sent Bella a wave of thoughts. "Pain" Jane said. Edward fell to the floor in pain and Makayla and Bella used their shield to block Jane gift. Jane couldn't use her gift and tried to go after Bella and Makayla but was stopped by her brother. Aro made talk about how Renesme could be dangerous. Makayla rolled her eyes. Soon Alice and Jasper showed up. Alice showed Aro Renesme wasn't a threat. "It doesn't matter what I show you. Even when you see" Alice said and ripped her hand away from Aro." you still won't change your decision" Alice said. She looked at Makayla and mouthed 'now'. Makayla sighed and grabbed Renesme and Hope  hand and walked them to the pack. She kneeled in front of the two girls. "Listen girls you are gonna stay here with the pack and when I tell you to run you run okay" Makayla asked. Both girls nodded with tears in their eyes. "Don't cry. I'll be okay and I will always come find you" Makayla said. She hugged both girls. She pulled away and looked behind her to see the Cullen's and some of the Mikaelsons and the mystic Falls gang running to the Voltouri." be careful aunt Kayla" Renesme said." I promise" Makayla said. She stood up and Renesme went to Emily and Hope went to Sam." take care of my nieces." Makayla said. They nodded. Makayla looked at Hayley who nodded. They vamp sped with the crescent pack following them. The fight began. Bella projected her shield on to the pack. Alec saw and tackled her. As Makayla was fighting she saw and ran to her sister aid. She grabbed Alec by his shoulders making him turn around to face her and her eyes we're yellow with veins showing. Makayla sunk her fangs into him and ripped his head off. Blood was pouring out her mouth. (Okay so just to let you know nightwalkers such as The Mystic Falls gang and The Mikaelsons can bit into other vampires and kill them we'll in those story then can). Makayla held her hand out for Bella which Bella grabbed and stood up. Both girls noticed Voltouri members coming to them and smirked and each other. Makayla sped to two Voltouri members ripping their heads. Bella grabbed one and ripped his head off as well. Makayla and Bella nodded and shoved their hands into one of the Voltouri members chest and grabbed his heart out making him gasp and die. Makayla saw all the blood that was on her hands and smirked. She wiped her mouth and went back into fighting. Hope got an idea and grabbed Renesme hand. "We can have our own shield. Repeat after me and the shield will pop up" Hope said. Renesme nodded and they started chanting a spell. Soon a shield was formed and no one or nothing could get in. Others were still fighting. Hayley killed Jane. Damon and Stefan killed Caius. Makayla looked at the pack since she was close to them. "Go run" Makayla said. They nodded and took off. Aro was fighting Klaus and Makayla came to help Klaus. They were able kill him and Makayla lit his body on fire. Aro looked at Alice and backed away after seeing his future. The Voltouri was still not convinced until someone said he was just like Renesme. Half human and vampire and explained. The Voltouri agreed and left seeing there was no danger but before Aro left he looked at Makayla and Bella. "Such a prize" he said then left. Makayla smiled and hugged both Damon and Klaus. "Thank you both" She said. "Don't mention it also we agreed to stay here in Washington to start out new an different." Damon said. Makayla smiled and watched as Edward and Bella hugged Renesme. She smiled. Everything was now gonna be okay.

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