|3| The Enchanted Forest |3|

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The roaring of a waterfall nearby greeted the little girl's ears as she took in the scenery in front of her. Towering emeralds leaves littered the forest grounds, singing of birds overhead joining the melody of the roaring waterfall. Delightful smell of fruits and flowers filled the area, drifting lazily with the wind. The little girl with her blue dress hugging her small frame, danced around the forest as creatures of every kind watched her with curiosity in their eyes. This was not the first time the said girl had visited their forest, but no one had yet the courage to come up to her and she knew well enough that the creatures in that mystical forest were rather cautious about visitors in their emerald home.

"What's your name, little girl?"

The scream that tore from the dark-haired girl's lips was enough for the smallest creatures to scurry back to their burrows, holes and whatnot in fright. She turned around the area until her bright brown eyes lay upon a small green tortoise, grinning amusedly at her.

A small gasp escaped from her as she went to her knees. The amusement of the creature turned to annoyance when she began petting its smooth head. "I asked for your name, not for you to pet me, girlie," came the annoyed squeaky voice of the tortoise. The grin gracing the child's lips grew even wider, and as she replies, "I'm Ronnie."

"Hmp," was the only response from the creature. Its amber eyes narrowed as Ronnie continued petting its head. "I suggest you stop that, girlie," it said, but made no move to avoid the tanned hand of the child. "But it's so soft and cute!" Ronnie exclaimed, though she stopped upon noticing the shortening patience of the tortoise before her.

"What's your name, sir tortoise?" Ronnie asked, tilting her head just like a cute puppy. A squeaky laugh escaped the tortoise, and then answers, "The others call me Virens. And I'm a girl too, girlie."

"The others?" was the next question curious little Ronnie asked. The tortoise gave a short nod and said, "The other creatures of this forest. Though I'm quite sure you have noticed them too."

Ronnie recalled the first few times she visited the forest. Almost every creature here avoided her like a plague. Though for the next few times, they did get used to her presence and would study her curiously from a distance. And the three bunnies staring at her was not a first anymore.

The little girl waved at the bunnies, who were now hopping cautiously towards her. She quickly sat down on the dewy grass, ignoring the possibility that her mother would nag her for ruining her blue dress. As they neared her, she reached her hand towards them, and giggles echoed through the forest when they went to sniff her hand cautiously. Their whiskers tickled her.

The chocolate brown bunny hopped to her lap and snuggled to her. A laughter burst out of Virens, watching the other two bunnies thumped their hind legs when Ronnie scratched their ears. The snowy white one, grinned animatedly at the human girl and went hopping off somewhere into the forest once again. The light brown bunny ignored its sibling and continued enjoying being scratched in the ears.

"It seems that you have enchanted the bunnies, little girl," a deep voice said, causing a gasp to escape Ronnie. She turned around, causing the bunny in her lap to hop off her. Her eyes laid upon a majestic golden lion before her. Thick golden mane, as if it was made of golden threads crowned the king of the forest. Before anyone could stop her, the word, "Kitty!" slipped from her lips. Virens and the two bunnies' eyes widened in fright and stared incredulously at the human girl before them. A thump echoed through their space. From the corner of Ronnie's eyes saw the white bunny drop the carrot it was holding.

A deep chuckle escaped the lion and began heading towards their small group. "Your majesty, please pay no heed to the ignorant words of the child," Virens explained nervously, as she tried to place herself in front of Ronnie as fast as she possibly can.

An amused glint can be seen on the majestic lion's eyes. His laughter echoed through the forest, a deep sound that resounded deep within the grassy grounds of the forest. "There is nothing to fret, dear Virens. I have no intention harming a young child," the king of the forest said.

Ronnie was in awe at the huge lion in front of her. She had only seen lions in the pictures her mother gave her back in the village. She didn't realize how huge a lion could be compared to hers. She reached out to touch the lion's mane, and she ignored the frightened squeak that escaped her other animal friends. She felt like she was touching silk as she ran her hand through the fine golden threads.

A deep purr escaped from the king of the forest, surprising Virens and the three bunnies and even Ronnie. "What is your name?" the little girl asked, as she continued petting the lion as if it was some sort of overgrown kitten. Aurum gave another deep chuckle, thoroughly amused with the human child in front of him. "You may call me Aurum, child."

"I'm Ronnie!" she exclaimed animatedly. She began giggling once more when the bunnies' whiskers touched her skin, tickling her once more. This was a first for the little girl. She didn't have that much friends that can relate to her, back in the village. Nobody could bring that much joy to the imaginative mind she has. Despite living in a world full of wonder and magic, it seemed not every child has an active imagination like hers.

Time tickled by, as Ronnie acquainted herself with the five creatures she met this day. Virens and Aurum told her short stories of some of the legends within the forest, while the three bunnies, Marron, the chocolate brown one, Nix, the white one and Bellus the light brown one, each told their daily life in the forest, and more or less complained about their mother, earning a few scolding words from Virens and Aurum.

"Ronnie! Ronnie!"

The little girl raised her eyes and saw her mother glaring at her by the doorway of her bedroom. "What did I say about reading in the dark?" her mother asked, walking towards Ronnie who merely smiled in guilt. It seemed that she was too immersed in the book she was reading; she didn't hear her mother's footsteps outside her bedroom. The enchanting forest of Evania was too beautiful for her to ignore and not finish, especially when it sat near her bed with its shiny cover staring at her, tempting her to read it.

"I'm sorry, mother. I couldn't sleep, that's why I decided to read something," Ronnie said sheepishly. Her mother only sighed and took the book from her grasp. "Go to sleep now, missy. I do hope your eyes are already tired from reading. You only used the night lamp," her mother scolded, as she closed the bedroom door behind her.

Ronnie could still vividly imagine the forest as her eyes closed. She could hear the squeaky laugh of the tortoise, Virens and could feel the silky mane of Aurum on her hand. Her eyes opened once more and grabbed a book underneath her bed. She grinned, as she heard the closing her mother's bedroom door. She had another world to visit, and too bad her mother forgot her stack of books beneath her bed.

First Written: January 27, 2021

Photo used not mine.

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