Little Do You Know pt.2

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Deans POV: 'Jesus why can't I stop thinking about her' Dean thought to himself sitting in Jody's livingroom. Tonight was a rare night that we got to hang out and have some drinks without any monesters involved. We're all at Jody's enjoying the downtime and all I can think of is y/n. I've know her for years but a couple months ago after she opened up about some pretty personal stuff it's like things changed. For a while it seemed that she felt the same way but now it feels we're further apart than we were to begin with. Normally I wouldn't give a shit but this was killing me. She isn't all I think about but I think about her a lot and I'm so confused why things changed, I really thought she felt the same as I did.
"You okay there, cowboy?" I turned a little startled getting broken out of my own thoughts by Jody.
"Oh yeah! Peachy," I gave her a tight smile but I knew it wasn't convincing anyone so I took a swig of my bottle.
"Nothings changed about her in the last 5 minutes you know?"
"Huh? Who?" Shit she knew.
"Y/N. You've been staring all night. What's going on between you two? Usually there's so much chemistry between you but tonight you two have barely been in the same room." Should I tell her? Ah what the hell, she's basically already figured it out. Right? I took a deep breath,
"Honestly?" Jody's nodded at me to continue. "I've got no idea, Jody. We had a heart to heart a couple months ago and we started to get close. Well closer than we used to be. And within the last couple weeks she's distanced herself from me. I don't get it and I really don't think I read the situation with her wrong." I took another drink "I really thought her and I were going to have something kind of special, as dumb as that sounds." I heard my own voice crack. 'what the hell? I'm not going to cry' I thought to myself. There was silence for a few minutes and then Jody finally spoke up,
"I hate to ask this but did you push it a little too far?" I raised my eyebrow at her, questioning her question.
"Well, Dean, you've got a bit of a reputation. Did you push things a little too much or a little too fast?" as she said this I almost choked on my drink.
"I haven't even made a move. Not like that at least. I've held her hand, played with her hair, rubbed her back, all of those things and not once have I pushed or tried for anything else. Well, I tried to kiss her, but it was only a kiss." Jody's looked just as confused as I felt.
"Why don't you give me the night to work my way to her and try to see what's going on, okay? In the mean time stop with the self pity and go enjoy yourself." I smiled and said okay and as I walked away I heard, "It's not stupid by the way. You deserve whatever it is that she's making you feel." That really set with me as I walked to find Sammy.

Y/Ns POV: I saw Dean and Jody talking and where my curiosity killed me I knew to mind my own business. Dean has been staring all night and unfortunately I know exactly why. Jody made her way around everyone to catch up one on one like she always does when she finally got to me.
"How's it going, Girly?" she asked.
"It's going." I smiled at her
"I couldn't help but notice there's some distance in the room." without thinking I immediately looked at Dean. "Are things okay?" There's no reason to lie to Jody, she'll find out somehow.
"I'm not sure if you want me to be honest. I opened up to Dean about some personal stuff and things just aren't the same anymore." She nodded and was paying such close attention to what I was saying. She really made me miss my mom sometimes. "The night I opened up he was so sweet. I mean, I know it's obvious I've always liked him but after that night I couldn't hide it anymore because it was so... so not Dean Winchester but at the same time it was so him."
"I'm not seeing the problem here?" that's just like Jody, so blunt and to the point. I sighed and smiled.
"The problem is, I got hard feelings for that guy I saw that night and that just isn't Dean. I'd be falling for and idea of a man instead of the man."
"And you've given him a chance to "prove himself" to you since?" I frowned,
"Well no. But-" Jody cut me off,
"Listen, I love you like my daughter so I'm going to be honest as if you were. Dean has been through so much, all hunters have. Dean isn't going to fake anything especially how he's feeling, if he was acting like he had some sort of feelings then it's pretty safe to assume he does. Not only that but if he acted like that, it took a lot for him to because you know just as well as I do that man hides his emotions for everything. Think about that and what you're wanting then have a conversation with him." After she said that she patted my shoulder and smiled at me before walking away. I stared at the ground for a minute before looking for Dean. Jody was right, Dean doesn't do emotions so that must mean something. Dean was leaning against the kitchen counter all by himself when I found him and he glanced up at me. He looked angry. 'I hope I didn't mess this up' I thought.
"Hey." He said coldly.
"So we should probably talk?" I swallowed hard.
"Maybe later, everyone's kinda having a good time hanging out." Ouch.
"Dean. Please. I really want to talk with you."He placed his hand on the counter leaning on them,
"Why? What's the point? I'm not dumb and I read all your signs, okay? I'm sorry I misunderstood what was going on." He still wasn't looking at me. Anything I say at this point won't mean anything, its just words. I took a deep breath, walked to him, and put my hand on his jaw to bring his face close to mine. Within just seconds his lips were on mine. I felt his hands grab my waist and pull me closer to him as I wrapped my arm around his neck pulling his face closer to mine. Dean pulled away and looked me in my eyes, his own eyes reading everything my face had to offer. His hands moved from my waist to my face as he pulled me in for another kiss. When I pulled away he rested his forehead on mine, "about damn time." We both laughed and pulled away from eachother to walk back into the livingroom for the remainder of the night.

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