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             *Seraphine's POV *

          I can hardly believe my eyes as Samael steps before me, blocking me from view and harm. Grief practically emanates from his pores. That's when it clicks. Mom. Despite all of his sins against her, he still loved my mother. But he has never loved me, has he? Why start now? He could never stand to be near me, and over the years I had stopped trying to make him bond with me. I don't quite know what to say to him, how to thank him or if I should, so I just hug him from behind. His arms shoot up in defense, and he stiffens for a moment to glance back at me. He reaches across his opposite shoulder to tap my head.

         "Ivara loved you. She always did, even before she knew you." He stalls for a second, knowing that we are safe with Narius charging. He will have their attention for a moment. "You are an alright kid." I squeeze him again before he grumbles for me to get off.

         We stand, focused on the scene ahead, as Narius hits dead center of Yeomorah's chest. I immediately get to work, concentrating to puppet him. Nox will be devastated. I know this will likely be the nail in the coffin for us, but at least we might get to live. Narius was going to die, he had lost it over Livienne and I know that his disoriented state would've made him easy picking for one of the giants before us. I feel bad for his family, but I feel no guilt for protecting myself and baby.

            Through Narius, I manage to tear the side of Yeomorah's neck. Yeomorah is too caught up with Nehemiah to deflect the attack, but he quickly moves to guard his throat. That's when I send Narius lower, striking the damaged goods and sweeping his legs out from under him. On his way down, he eviscerates Narius's body before I can get him to flee so I relinquish my hold. Nehemiah is on him in seconds, livid over his son's 'death'. Lucien abandons Alexavier and rushes to save his father, only to be slain. I startle as I watch him drop to his knees, Alexavier withdrawing something from his back. Yeomorah's father disappears from before Ezekiel and I scream so loudly my lungs could burst. Samael throws himself between the two, and lays sprawled and bleeding.

          "Dad!" I screech.

           I narrowly avoid being shoved aside by the giant man as I rush forward to protect my father. I kick ferociously towards this man as he tries to lift me from Samael. I scream into his face, watching his flaxen hair whip violently. Having distracted him, I jump up and dig my claws into his face and sink them deep into the flesh. He brings an elbow hard across my face, and I barely turn my body in time to land safely as I'm swatted away. The man turns to Samael again, only to have Alexavier on his back. I scan the floor for my piece of bar from earlier and I crouch with it before running and hurling it. It impales the monster right into his side and I follow, kicking the bar farther in and diving over his shoulder only to be caught.

          I drive my foot hard into his face as Alexavier constricts his neck. He tries to throw Alex off and I once again go for his legs. Alexavier is finally tossed away. This giant man catches my foot midair after it strikes the don't flesh of his face. I cry out and slash the man's arm, twisting and turning to free myself of his hold. His fingers digging into my ankle as he holds me out like a dirty sock. I shiver, furious in my humiliation. I let myself fall down to his leg and I wrap my arms around his thigh so he cannot pull me up. I bite him. He shakes my legs and tugs at me violently, and I let go to snap back up to his face raking an eye. I crash as the man releases me and roars. His voice so deep that it shakes the room around us. He's done playing with me. I jump to my feet only to be caught again. He throws me by my arm and I skid across the floor, feeling flesh peel away. My arm is throbbing and I cradle it. The aching on my abdomen is worse now, and I fear for my child. I need to run.

          "Who are you?" I ask the man. This catches him off guard, and he pauses before me.

          "Asmodeus. How are you what you are and yet you don't know me?" He scoffs.

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