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Regulus and James slept in the same bed that night.

They were woken up at 4 am by Lily yelling and banging on the door. James groaned and pulled Regulus closer to himself.

"JAMES POTTER DON'T MAKE ME BREAK THE DOOR!" lily yelled on the other side.

James slowly got out of bed careful not to wake up Regulus and wrapped a huge blanket around himself.

Regulus had taken a few bites at his neck but nothing overly visible.

"Sorry I was asleep, what do you need?" James asked while yawning.

"We need to get dressed since most of our wedding guest will be arriving soon. And what are you doing sleeping in here alone? I waited for you" lily asked.

"Okay I'll ask assistants to start getting my things ready. I had a late meeting and I didn't wish to wake you, I'm sorry."

"Okay well I'll see you in a bit?" She asked giving a sweet smile.

"Yes, goodbye Lily" he said after taking a pause.

She closed the door and he locked it again. He walked back to bed and leaned down next to Regulus. He kissed his forehead and softy said his name till he started to wake up.

"Hey Reggie. We need to start getting ready and leave. Okay?" James said so softly and kindly.

Regulus only groaned and mumbled a reply. Before he knew what was happening James tackled him into a hug on the bed and kissed him. He took a moment to react but kissed him back and held onto him tightly. 

The two get up and lit a few candles for light.

They packed a bag with a few warm sweaters and pants and lots of stockings.

James managed to get into his local vault and practically emptied it without anyone realizing.

They loaded everything into a delivery carriage and Regulus got into it.

James sat in the front and wore a hat to cover his face. They got to the gate and they let him through without asking to look inside thankfully.

They left as the sun began to rise and the roads becoming clear.

They rode for a few hours till James grew too tired and took a break. At the point Regulus woke up and the two stayed in the carriage for a while.

After an hour or two James explained the route to Haysham to Regulus who brought them the rest of the way there.

Once in Haysham they met Remus' father who thankfully recognized James and let them stay the night and feed their horse.

In the morning the two bought a huge piece of land in the forest  surrounding Haysham that they owned.

On this land their was a house that was mostly completely abandoned. It took them a few days but they managed to fix the house up well.

There was a huge plane of fertile land and thanks to book Regulus had decided to bring they learned how to grow their own food.

The house was near the river which happened to have a beach. The two collected water and bathed in that river.

Their life was surprisingly peaceful and no one ever found them.

Meanwhile at the palace, Lily had a fit.

She was looking for James everywhere as was everyone else and it wasn't until 11am that they checked the carriages and noticed one missing.

James' father was worried and angry. He sent out the royal guards to look all over the kingdom for him and find James.

Remus and Sirius had arrived in England for the wedding and once they learned James was missing they realized he was probably with Regulus but they didn't dare say anything.

It took some time but eventually the king accepted that his son was lost and arranged for his brothers son, who's the next in line for the King, marry Lily.

She was far from happy since he was an unattractive guy, inside and out.

A year or two later, Regulus built the courage to send a letter to Sirius. He had saved the royal seal so he knew it would make it there fine.

Remus' father had sent it out for them since they occasionally still kept in touch with him but he never knew where they lived.

They received a long letter back a month later telling them how happy Remus and him were to know the two were still alive and well off and explained a few basics of the changes done to France.

Sirius was successful in having a child and Marie had had twin boys so Sirius was over the moon he'd never have to see her again.

One day at Regulus and James' house, a young girl, not over 7years old knocked on their door.

This alarmed the two men who had never been found.

The girl explained she was lost and hadn't eaten in days and her parents had died during the walk.

James and Regulus let her in and ended up raising her.

She was an exceptional child and they were proud to call her their daughter.

The three lived a happy and healthy life. They were never found but snuck into France and saw Sirius and Remus 10 years later.

Everything was great, sure they couldn't legally live the way they lived but they wrote about their experience in hope of one day achieving acceptance in the world.

The end

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