Chapter 14 Lazy Sunday Afternoon

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A/N  This is a short chapter. It was originally going to be much longer, but I have split it in two because the two parts had such different moods and I didn't want the music to go with the second part to weigh down the lightness of the first part.  So this is kind of a fluffy connecting chapter.


Chapter 14


I kept my word and texted Nico that evening after Benji, Jonah, Brett, Aiden and even little Liam helped me move all of the rest of my stuff into the apartment.  We celebrated with getting take-out from a Chinese place that Benji loved and then we all relaxed and watched a movie together.  After the movie Jonah carried a sleeping Liam out to Brett's car and the four of them left, after which Benji and I cleaned up.  Benji was spending the night, I think he was worried that I'd be lonely on my first night in my new place.  He'd mentioned that Ajax had gone to have dinner with Nico so they could have some brotherly bonding time.

I sent the text before going to brush my teeth.  Benji was already tucked into bed, tired after all the moving and I'm sure he was up late last night playing 'naughty student and strict teacher' with Ajax.  I chuckled to myself at the thought.  The two of them were really great together and once they finally opened up and shared their feelings, things had really fallen in to place, it wouldn't be long I was sure, until they made their relationship permanent on paper as well.

Finn:  All moved in, apartment looks great.  Thanks again for your help yesterday.

It didn't take long before I got a reply.

Nico:  I was glad to help.  Do you have everything you need?

I chuckled, one thing that would never change about Nico was the way he looked after people.  He would give someone he cared about the shirt off his back if they needed it, without a second thought.

Finn:  I'm good for right now.  Thanks.

I thought about what else to say...I liked even just texting with him, knowing he wasn't far away.

Finn:  Did you have a good dinner with Ajax?

Nico:  Yes.  Great fun! We ate up in the pub and watched a soccer match, played some pool.  He's spending the night since he had a few beers.

Finn:  Good plan.  Benji's staying over here.  I give him 20 minutes before he starts missing AJ.

Nico:  Same here.  Jax keeps wondering if Benji's okay.  Do the two of you want to come for a late breakfast tomorrow chef makes a great Sunday brunch.

Finn:  Sure.  Be there @ 10?

Nico:  Perfect, see you then.

Finn:  Ok...night Nico.

Nico:  Night Finn.

I was going to get a daybed for the studio for when guests came, but I hadn't yet, so I told Benji we could share my bed since it was plenty big.

"What are you thinking about Benji?" I asked when I came out of the bathroom and crawled under the covers on my side.  He looked deep in thought, his eyebrows wrinkled up.

"Just wondering if Ajax misses me," he said thoughtfully.

"I was just texting Nico, he says he's fretting over you too, wondering if you're okay.  You should text him.  Nico also invited us for brunch tomorrow morning, Ajax is spending the night there, so I told him we'd come."

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