Chapter 25

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I slowly stand on the lunchroom table looking out at everyone until I meet with crystal eyes

"Hi" I say in my real voice not feeling confident at the moment and regretting doing this at the moment

"I feel obligated to do this and tell you all that I'm not Marcel nor has my name ever been Marcel. I'm really the famous Harry Styles who wanted a normal life outside of the fame" I continued

Suddenly someone yells a "prove it"

"I will" I said ruffling up my hair and taking my contacts out and taking my shirt off so all I'm left in are my pants

I look out into a crowd of surprised faces whispering "I did this to feel a bit normal but then I fell in love as Harry, and all of this is for Louis" I take a pause and breath still feeling overwhelmed "I love you Louis and I cant stand to live without you Im sorry if I never told you about Marcel I just didn't want you to think different in me, Louis I've been a mess an emotional mess missing practices getting drunk and just doing nothing with my life I miss you" I finish looking him in the eyes

"Please say something" My voice cracks

"Like what" he stand out of his chair walking toward the table I'm on

"Tell you I am so fucking mad at you Harry, I shared everything about me with you and you couldn't even tell me this small things, haven't you realized I love you to pieces and wouldn't have been mad at you for this. I cant stop thinking of you" Louis started to tear and his voice was cracking out of control

"I fucking love you but hate you for making me feel love for the first time in years and it hurts when I found out I trusted you Harry and I just don't know what to say" Louis cried wiping his now swollen red face

I jump off the table and slowly walk toward him holding his moist face in my hand wiping the excess tears

"Say you'll give me another chance tell me you still love me tell me that theres still hope" he's still crying and I can tell he's thinking

And when he looks up at me I know I get my Lou back

"Ok" he whispers hugging me and I hug back we hear 'Awwws' everywhere and start to laugh a little

"Lets get out of here"

We walk out to the front of the school to be met with a man walking toward us

"Louis get your arse in the car" he says and suddenly I look at Lou who's full of fear and I don't know what to do

"W-what?" Lou stutters

Then the man holds up a magazine and on the cover is me and Lou's dates from the picnic to restaurants clear as day

My eye's open wide

"Um can I talk to my f-friend quickly I'll met you in the car just a min p-please" Lou shakes

"It will be the last minuet you and your little boyfriend will have" he says in disgust walking away

"Harry thats my dad and you need to call the police send them to 162 Grenter Road call the minuet you see me get into the car I need you to do that" he tells me shaking from fear

"No come with me you don't have to live with that abusive person" I tell him

"He'll hurt my sisters please" he's close to tears and I nod pecking him on the lips and he runs to the car

"This is such a mess" I whisper pulling my curls and taking out my phone

"111 whats your emergency"

"My boyfriends in danger....."


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