Adrianna Rose

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I lost my mother when she was giving birth, growing up with my father taking care of me is what you would want it's the other way around at the age of 6 years old I was taking care of him he drank a lot did drugs had people come in and out of this house all the time I would have to cook and clean for him I didn't have a great childhood I lie to my friends at school, I'll go to school with dirty clothes being called names there was a day I met this girl named Jenna in 2nd grade when I was being teased she kicked the boy he was crying who ever called me names Jenna was my shadow we even cut our hands to call eachother other blood sister's since then we were sisters for life, my father never wanted my friends to come over only his if I need all of my chores on time and cooked dinner I can go play for an hour if I'm lucky then 2

I had to clean the house, take out the trash, cook, dishes, go get food which Jenna would help me on that, our outside lawn looks like it hasn't been touched in 100 of years I always made sure no one from school See's me going to the house, I didn't have movies only books I would have is from school I love to read and do my homework I had A+ all the time

Jenna's grandma offered to wash my clothes when ever I was over there but didn't let her do it I would go to the laundry mat cause at home washer and dryer is broken and yes I wash my fathers clothes in the bath tub I use to do the same with mine, we didn't have a dish washer

I love Jenna's grandma Meggie, she likes to go by grandma she sends me home with cookies, feeds me with delicious flavors that you can't get enough I would lie when she will ask me doesn't your father feed you I hate lying about it I don't want to be there anymore I feel like Cinderella and talking to my friends at night of mice

My father would hit me time to time if he was on whatever drug and I didn't do something right or I was just there to yell at and what not, I try to stay out of the way, there was this one time I came home 10mins late because at school the bus broke down and we had to wait for a different one, when I got home he back handed me caused blood to spit out it was the weekend for it to heal by Monday whoever asked what happened I lied about falling down slipped on liquids on the floor.

When high school came around being in 9th grade I was excited all my schooling years I had A/B's there was one time a C I asked the teacher for extra credit I returned it the next day got it to A- so I was really happy about that.

Beginning of 9th grade I forgot my papers at school cause Jenna had a idea let's share a locker, she came to my house


"Who the hell is that" Father yells, I walked to the front door once opened my eyes widened like deer on headlights


Next thing I knew I was thrown backwards hitting my face on the desk causing my bottom lip to bleed out, I looked at Jenna if a black person can turn white from seeing a ghost this was the moment that she did, she took off running

"Get the fuck up you stupid kid", I got up before he could speak again without asking me to do something I went to go cook

An hour later


"NOW WHO IS HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT" I gave him a look like I don't know, he opens the door

"C.P.S" (child protection services) said

"What do you want" Father says

"Where is your daughter Adrianna"?

I walked over to the door, they couldn't see me on the other side, father turns his head at me gives me a evil look I backed up slowly

I hear another voice "Mr.Rose you are under arrest for child abuse and neglect" Cop says, once I see father being handcuffed I see the lady must be C. P. S along with a cop

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