chapter 2

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" I was walking to class with luna and hermione today like i always do, but today felt like it was gonna be different I just know it. "

Claire you okay? Luna asked me while we were walking. Yeah just know.
So hermione did Ron confess his love for you yet " i was teasing her because everyone knows Ron likes hermione and she likes him as well. "
Would you stop that! " i don't bloody like ron. Oh sure you don't me and claire can see it i mean everyone can for Merlin sakes.

" after we talked for a little more we got to potions class i took my seat which was next to draco malfoy, he doesn't really talk to me that much. I remember the first time he did he asked me my name and i told him. "
Okay class today we will be working with are desk partners you will be brewing a potion its called the draught of peace, i want you to make it with the person at your desk.

" i looked at draco and lightly tapped his shoulder " hey so i guess were working together.. Yeah we are I guess,
He looked at me for a few seconds and then quickly turned away. I didn't know why but he just did. " I made my way up to get the ingredients for the potion and brought them back to my table. Okay so do you wanna start this now or later? He looked at me and responded, we can start now if you want. " and so we did we started our potion and we barely talked while doing it he didn't really look at me he completely ignored looking at me for some reason. And when class ended he grabbed his things and rushed out. I packed my things and handed in the potion to professor snape and he checked it off as good. I made my way to my friends walking to go to the black lake to sit.

" I worked with her today i got to fucking work with her and I barley talked to her at all. I was so stupid to ignore her. But i couldn't look into her eyes knowing that I'd just get lost in them. I don't know why i feel this way i mean she is just a girl but I need her. I mean for merlin sake i want HER.
Pansy keeps annoying me all she keeps doing is clinging herself to me but i get use to it. I have been off and on with pansy this past school year but i just don't want her anymore I want claire.

What are you thinking about draco? Pansy was sitting right next to be with blaise" nothing just bored that's all.
I can probably get us some fire whiskey later Adrian always has some. " yeah that would be nice blaise i could use a drink.
And there i saw her walking with luna and that hermione to the black lake she was smiling and laughing and god did she look amazing she doesn't even need to try and she could take my breath away. ' i watched as she sat down infront of the tree i noticed how she would sketch in a notebook all the time in class. And that's what she was doing sketching something while her friends were talking. I heard her laugh at something luna had said.
" that's when i saw him that stupid hufflepuff kid cedric he was walking over to them and he sat right down next to him. I was pissed that he sat with her she isn't is. I clenched my fist together shoving them in my pockets i just wanted the punch him in the face for even looking at her.

Draco! Draco hello?! " i snapped out of my thoughts to blaise shoving his hand in my face." What do you want blaise? I was asking you a question and you completely ignored me are you sure your fine because if- " i cut him off right there " i said I am fine! " and with that I grabbed my bag and got up pulling pansy with me even though i don't like her she helps with my stress and that's what she did" we went to my dorm and she helped with it. After we were done i left her there i felt sick doing it with her but I had to. So i left to go find her the blonde ravenclaw that's my partner i needed to ask her something.

" i was sitting in the library studying while luna and hermione left to go do something. I was studying for the potions test coming up i think i was there for about an hour. I came here after sitting at the black lake.
I was reading the book when someone pulled a chair out infront of me i thought it was luna till i saw him.. " his grey eyes that you could get lost in I looked at him surprised. "
Can i help you draco? I didn't look up at him after i focused on my book. I was wondering what did snape say about are potion? " i was thinking to myself well if you really wanted to know you could have stayed " he said it was good is that all you came here for? " i flipped through the pages still not looking at him' fuck what should i say ' well I was wondering if you could help me study for thr potions test coming up " i looked at him finally and he was just staring at me. Yeah sure tomorrow if you want to study we could somewhere doesn't really matter to me. Okay yeah how about the astronomy tower? " why dose he wanna study there? " sure sounds great! " i put my book in my back heading out leaving draco sitting there like he did me. "

I asked her I actually asked her to study with me. " i walked to the great hall to eat lunch seeing her talking to that cedric again. It Made me wanna beat him right there and then. "

Thank you for reading :)
I know its not that good yet but I'll be making it better.

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