chapter 3

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" i was walking to the great hall with luna to get some lunch after i was done talking to draco it was really odd i mean he asked me to help him study and, he never asked me to help him before.
Claire so i was thinking since tomorrow is the weekend me you and hermione can do something? Yeah that would be great. " i was about to sit down when cedric stopped me to talk. " hey claire I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later?

Yeah sure i just have to finish some of my work but we can definitely hang. Okay great! I'll meet you outside of your common room after dinner if that's okay with you?
Yeah that sounds good " i hugged him goodbye since he was leaving to go over to his table.

" i felt like someone was watching me i looked behind me and my eyes meet his grey eyes he was the one staring at me. As soon as i turned around and meet him he quickly looked away. Weird I thought to myself and went back to eating.

I watched him i actually watched him hug her. That shouldn't be him hugging her it should be me. My blood was boiling i just wanted to beat the bloody hell out of him and take her to my dorm to punish her for even looking at him. The things i wanted to do to her was unbelievable.

I walked back with blaise and pansy to are common room all i could think about, was studying with her tomorrow.
" we arrived back in the common room and blaise got the fire whiskey from Adrian.
We all sat on the sofa passing around the bottle taking turns drinking. About an hour later after talking and drinking more everyone passed out in the common room besides draco."

the rest of the day went fine my last class why herbology. I finished and went back to the ravenclaw common room, were luna was sitting reading a book.
Hey claire! " i went to go sit next to luna and I laid my head down on her lap and she played with my hair. Hey luna what are you reading? Just a book about plants neville gave it to me he is really nice. I smiled at luna because i knew she always had a crush on neville. Why don't you tell him you like him luna anyone can see the way you look at him its so obvious.
I don't know maybe i will another time shouldn't you be getting ready to hang out with cedric? " i sat up because i completely forgot about hanging out with him. Yeah i should be im gonna go get dressed I'll see you before i go.

I went into my dorm that i share with luna. I went into my wardrobe and pulled out a light blue dress that stopped right above my knees. I put it on and applied some mascara and lip gloss since i didn't really wear that much makeup. I also curled my hair and pinned the side with a clip. "

I went back out into the common room and luna saw me she stood up and smiled coming over to me."
You look so pretty claire cedric is gonna be staring at you all night! You really think so? Oh i know so claire! Now get going i think he is waiting outside. " I hugged luna and went outside the common room where cedric was waiting in the hall i saw him at dinner and he looked excited for tonight.

Wow you look beautiful claire " i smiled at him blushing a little. Thank you cedric you don't look to bad yourself. He took my hand and into his and we started walking out of the castle towards the black lake. When we arrived there was a blanket with some pillows and a few snacks. " wow cedric this is amazing how did you have the time to do this? Well right when i was done eating dinner i came out here.

Well Thank you cedric this is beautiful really. " cedric and and me sat down for a little just talking and eating the snacks he moved me closer to him so i can lay my head on his chest while he rubbed my arm.

So cedric what made you ask me here? Well I thought you were very pretty and plus i always liked you i mean what's not to like your smart beautiful your funny. Every boy at school basically likes you. " i smiled at him and he leaned his head to mine and kissed my lips gently.

" we kissed for a few minutes until we both pulled away. Would you like to be my girlfriend claire. I would love to cedric. He pulled me in for another kiss and we walked back up to the castle.

" He walked me to my common room giving me a kiss before he left. I said the. Password to get into my common room heading to my dorm when i got there luna was passed out on her bed so I threw a blanket on her moving her book to her night stand and turning off her light. " i laid in my bed thinking about what just happened. A little bit later I fell asleep waiting for tomorrow to come.

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