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"Would you-?"

Jungkook POV

Just when he was about to ask me a question, there was a tap on the open door. We both jerked our heads towards the source of the sound as we let go of each other.

"Yo, you guys do realize that the camera is still on, right?" the tall man questioned as he pointed to the corner. We stared at each other simultaneously with wide eyes before looking up at the recording device. The light was flashing red, indicating that we were being filmed. "You guys totally have an audience in the showing room right now. I was just passing by and thought I should let you know," he continued, shrugging his wide shoulders slightly.

"O-oh...oops, t-thanks, Jin hyung," Jimin hyung replied as he swept back his red locks, clearly a bit embarrassed that we had been caught.

The handsome man blew us a kiss as he continued down the hall. I quickly went over to shut down the computer as I stole glances at Jimin hyung who decided to sit on the conference table, playing with the rings on his fingers. I manually shut off the camera in the corner, my feet taking me over to my cute co-worker.

"The c-camera's off now..." I stated as I stood in front of him, his legs crossed over one another gracefully. "Um...y-you w-were about to ask me something," I reminded as I hesitantly met his gaze.

"I was," Jimin hyung teased. I smiled and smacked his arm playfully as I waited for him to ask his question. "How would you like to have a meal together?" he inquired, his eyes scanning my face intently.

"Y-you mean like g-going out for our l-lunch break together?" I asked uncertainly. Jimin hyung smirked as he leaned back, resting on his hands.

"Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of you and I having dinner tonight. We could celebrate your successful video...my treat of course," my hyung suggested with a coy smile.

"Oh. W-well that's, um, even b-better..." I replied happily as I forced myself to maintain eye contact with the gorgeous man in front of me.

"What time do you get off?" he asked, biting his lower lip.

"Uh 5, you?"

"Same. How about I drive us to the restaurant after work and then I can drop you off at your car when we're done?" Jimin hyung offered, sitting up to play with my tie. "...you can pick whichever place you like~." The bit of confidence that I had earlier when we were embracing completely evaporated and my cheeks flushed a bright shade of red as I felt him lightly tug on my tie.

"O-okay. How d-do you feel a-about Mokmeoksanbang? They h-have r-really good bibimbap!" I proposed excitedly, stuttering despite myself.

"That's what I've heard, but I've never had it before. I'm glad I'll finally get to try it, so my friends can quit bugging me about it," he giggled. Suddenly, Jimin's phone buzzed from inside his dress pants. "Oh shoot! It's probably my boss..." he grumbled, dropping my tie as he searched for the small device frantically before finding it in his right pocket. "Yep. I gotta go now, Jungkookie," he pouted as he hopped off the conference table. I felt my shoulders slump slightly when he said he had to go back to work. But I knew I would see him for dinner soon, so I tried to put on a happy face.

"Okay, I should probably get back too. I'll, uh, s-see you in a couple hours, hyung."

"See you later, Jungkookie!" he replied cheerfully as he skipped to the door.

"Wait, hyung!"

"Yes?" he answered as he paused in the doorway.

"W-where should I meet you?"

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