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Friday morning

Author POV

The rest of the week flew by as Jungkook spent his free time packing and mentally preparing for the trip. He hadn't really gotten to see Jimin as much, but the two did manage to have lunch together at his favorite bistro across the street yesterday along with all his friends. It was a nice little farewell meal that included lots of laughter and grumbling from Yoongi who looked like he had been dragged there against his will. But all in all it was fun and they had a good time.

Now it was finally the day they were scheduled to head to Busan and Jungkook couldn't contain his excitement as the four of them climbed aboard. Jimin's boss had arranged for a company limo to pick them all up at their respective houses and take them all to the train station. The youngest had been the first stop since he lived the furthest away, which he was thankful for because it gave him some time to calm his nerves a little before everyone else got picked up. The car ride there was fairly uneventful; but he had gotten to sit next to Jimin while their bosses sat across from them.

The train had taken about 2 and a half hours to arrive in Busan and then their hotel was another 20 minute drive away. Jungkook followed behind Damien with a sigh, feeling exhausted from all the traveling. As the two of them approached the front desk, he glanced over to see Jimin talking to his boss over by the lobby. Jungkook guessed they were probably discussing what they were going to be doing to prepare for the conference on Monday; a big part of him hoping that they would still get a chance to spend some time together between now and then.

"Okay, Jungkook here's our room key," Damien explained, jolting Jungkook from his thoughts as he accepted the key card from him. "We're on the seventh floor in room 706 and they'll be in the room across the hall."

"Okay sir," he replied softly, placing the card in his back pocket for safe keeping.

"Jungkook, we're not at work," Damien said with a chuckle, the younger's brows furrowing at his words. "What I mean is... I don't expect you to call me sir during this trip," he explained as he stifled another laugh.

"Oh, okay boss..."

"No, no! Don't call me boss either," Damien replied as he shook his head and waved his hands.

"T-then w-what should I call you?" Jungkook asked unsurely.

"Uh, 'Damien' will do," he shrugged. Jungkook's eyes went as wide as saucers causing Damien to start laughing hysterically, a pout forming on his intern's lips as he contemplated speaking to his boss without using honorifics. "Alright, alright... you can call me Damien hyung or just hyung then, okay?"

Jungkook simply nodded as his eyes landed on Jimin, who was walking over to the front desk with his boss not too far behind. He lowered his gaze shyly when he made eye contact with his cute co-worker; but in doing so, he failed to see the brief look exchanged between Jimin and his boss. The red haired male had heard Damien's loud laugh from across the lobby and caught a glimpse of Jungkook's flustered face which  irritated him for reasons he didn't want to admit.

"Wu hyung! Here's your key cards. You two are in room 705," Damien spoke up as he held them out to the taller man with a grin.

"Actually, Jimin asked if he could room with your intern and you sleep with me- or I mean uh i-in my room that is..." Mr. Sun stuttered, his slight embarrassment evident as he rubbed his nape.

"Oh...um, that's fine with me. Is that alright with you, Jungkook?" Damien questioned as he slowly retracted his arm, his eyes glancing down at the youngest.

Jungkook looked up at his boss in surprise, his cheeks tinted pink at the idea of sharing a room with his cute co-worker. Sure he had spent the night at his apartment once, but they had been in completely separate rooms. In a hotel there was no privacy besides the bathroom. He bit his lip as he glanced over at Jimin, the elder looking at him hopefully as he tilted his head to the side. Even though he was really nervous about rooming with Jimin, he didn't want to pass up on a chance for them to have some alone time.

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