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"Alright. I know the perfect place~"

Author POV

"W-where?" the younger questioned.

"It's a surprise!" Jimin exclaimed as he started to walk off. The raven haired boy stood silently for a few seconds just admiring the shorter male. All of a sudden, the elder boy turned around and gestured for him to follow. "Come on, Jungkookie!"

"C-coming, Jimin-ssi..." Jungkook replied with a small smile, the tips of his ears turning slightly pink when he caught a glimpse of his co-worker's radiant eye smile. He lowered his head slightly as he joined his hyung in the hallway, his hands clasped together in front of him.

They traveled around the building to the south side before heading down the staircase, where they first met, and exiting through the lobby entrance. As the two crossed the intersection and continued down the street, neither of them said a word. Both of them were still hung up on the conversation from earlier with Taehyung.

Jungkook was still nervous about almost confessing to the elder while the other was upset that his co-worker didn't seem to share the same feelings. Jimin couldn't help but wonder what his shy co-worker really thought of him. Even though they only met last week, the red haired male found that he was so unbelievably smitten with the boy.

Everything about him made him smile.

Surprisingly it was Jungkook who broke the silence, his nerves getting the best of him when he noticed how quiet his co-worker had gotten all of a sudden.

"-ung...uh, Jiminie hyung?"

Jimin came back to the present when he heard a quiet voice beside him. He shook his head to clear his thoughts as he turned to face the other male, his eyes automatically fixating on Jungkook's mouth before he forced himself to raise them.

"Sorry, Kook-ah. What were you saying?" he asked as he turned to meet his gaze with a small smile.

"Um...a-are you okay?"

"Yeah of course! Why wouldn't I be?" Jimin questioned, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"W-well you um...seemed d-distracted," Jungkook muttered before he looked away shyly. Jimin's eyes widened slightly and he made a mental note to remind himself how observant Jungkook is as he hurried to come up with a good excuse.

"Oh, I'm just thinking about work that's all,"  he lied as he plastered the biggest smile he could muster.

For a second Jimin thought that Jungkook would see right through him, but he felt his body relax when the younger nodded his head and faced forward again. And while Jungkook noticed that the smile wasn't completely genuine, he decided not to question him further.

Since it was the middle of the day, hundreds of people were out on the roads for their lunch break. The crowded sidewalks made it difficult not to brush up against everyone. One particular section, close to some shops, was extremely packed so Jimin and Jungkook had to walk practically shoulder to shoulder.

Jungkook felt his heart skip a beat when their hands accidentally grazed one another. He couldn't help but glance down at the way both of their hands moved in sync between them, a small smile making its way onto his face. The younger internally cooed when he saw how much smaller Jimin's hands were, and that just made him want to reach out and link their hands together. But he quickly dismissed the idea, too afraid to actually go through with it.

Jimin noticed the contact as well and he forced himself not to make a move on the raven haired male. He didn't want him to feel uncomfortable, especially now that they had gotten a little bit closer. Normally whenever Jimin had a crush or found someone attractive, he was upfront and direct with them. But something about Jungkook made him want to be more soft and gentle.

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