Finishing the bet

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Raven POV
After our picnic anniversary we cleaned up and watched the sunset after a little while apple yawned I looked at her and smiled Softly come on Sleepy head let's go back to our dorms I said Good idea! Mom said carry me apple said And why would I do that I said teasingly with a scoff Um apple said I raised a brow then apple said again because you Love me with puppy eyes I tried to resist but I gave in and said fine Then smiled only for you my dear I said she smiled and said yay I picked her up bridal style and me and mom walked to the school as apple leaned on my shoulder as she wrapped her arms around my neck as we walked mom said So did all go good I nodded with a smile and sighed then after about five minutes we made it to the school we walked through the doors of the school and went to the school girls Dormitory and went to our room mom went to hers night mom I whispered night dear she whispered back and went into her dorm I did to I quietly closed
the door and locked it with my mind I then transformed us into our pjs and undid our hair brushed our teeth and then walked apple to her bed and laid her down then tucked her in and kissed her cheek night my darling I said walking to my bed hmm night dear apple mumbled fully sleeping I tucked myself in and turned off the light then yawned and laid down letting sleep take over as I closed my eyes
~ The Next morning~
Ravenna POV
I heard birds chirping and the sun was shining making me shut my eyes tight and flinch I blinked because of the sunlight in my eyes so I blinked a few more times and then sat up and stretched and got out of bed and then walked to the restroom and took a shower after about ten minutes I got out and brushed my teeth and dried my hair with my flames and put my hair in a braid then dried my body I put on my panties and sport bra I put a purple t-shirt a Jean jacket and Nike pants and I put on my accessories and put my lipstick and makeup on and wiped the floor and walked out the bathroom I then showered apple no like I took her to the bathroom shower and Used my magic to do her hair and stuff and then used my magic to turn off the shower I dried her hair and body and put on her panties and bra with magic and put her in a Blue T-Shirt and a sports jacket that looked like this

and then put some pants on her and put her hair in a ponytail braid then brushed her teeth and put her accessories on and floated her out the bathroom all with magic and put her makeup on just like that I put her down and woke her up she stirred a...

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and then put some pants on her and put her hair in a ponytail braid then brushed her teeth and put her accessories on and floated her out the bathroom all with magic and put her makeup on just like that I put her down and woke her up she stirred and woke up And yawned I then said I already did your routine on you oh thanks hon apple said and I used my magic to fix our beds I then said my dear you must take your pills for today aww fine my dear said and took her pills for her pain foot pain pills and we then put on our sneakers and left through the door and went to moms dorm room and knocked after waiting for three minutes mom came out in her mira form looking perfect as always she came out fully hey mom said hey me and apple said let's go Apple said we nodded and started walking to the cafeteria
~ after breakfast~
Raven's POV still
After breakfast we walked outside the cafeteria and I then Remembered I remember now!! I said excited remember what apple said I chuckled and said Remember our dragon race bet yeah mom said I then said so snow didn't do her side of the bet after the race realization hit them hard like a dragon roar oh they said I grabbed their hands and said come on and started running making them run almost tripping to hah Woohoo!! I said excited I haven't heard you say that in Fifteen years babe apple said Whatever I said with a smirk and then dashed out to snows palace after about an hour we made it to the palace I stopped at the backyard ugh finally we can rest mom said exhausted From running here or at least trying we went in and into snows office Yo snowy I said she sighed and said with a smile yes raven I then said ready to finish the bet she was horrified after a minute she recomposed herself and said fine let's get it over with apple then said great bring extra clothes fine apple dumpling snow said she got extra clothes we got two buckets of ice and water and a towel we went into the backyard with snow we got a chair she sat on it ready I said holding up a water filled bucket ready! Apple said we dumped it on snow together while mom took a picture of her reaction Ahhh c-cold it's c-c-cold!!! Snow said we laughed Ready for ice I said yup! Apple said and we dumped ice onto her snow shivered then I said two more to go while staring at snow and me and apple dumped the last ones haha I said mom took the pics while snow was freezing c-c-cold snow said we gave her a towel hehe apple said cheekily as I wrapped snow in the towel while she was shivering so much she couldn't move her hands

Ever after high : Apple and raven Secretly marriedWhere stories live. Discover now