Faybelle's Ultimate Mistakes today

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Raven's POV
What I said confused while snow was staring at me Mom Laughed hahaha and said ooh she got you Good haha Snow just pouted I then Grabbed Apple and we began to Walk to hocus latte I stopped so did apple And said Well Well what Snow said Are you Coming! I said impatient Everyone knows what happens when I'm impatient O-Oh y-yea Pfft totally Come on Mira Snow said now your talking mom said and so we walked to Book Ends Hocus latte After a few minutes we made it to Hocus latte We got in Line It wasn't that Long just about Eight or Ten people in Line Not bad once it was our turn Hello Welcome to hocus latte what can I get you the Cashier said Hi I would like a Croissant and A coffee with 6 Creams and 3 Sugar I said I would like a Pumpkin Flavored Hocus Latte pls with a Croissant Apple said I would like A Hot chocolate with marshmallows and A salad Snow said And I would like A latte and a Bagel with Cream cheese pls mom Said Ok All together the cashier said as she wrote down our orders Yes I said and we went to a booth And we sat down apple I said Mentioned girl Looked at me who sat beside me in our booth Luckily only a few people from the School like sparrow and his gang Dexter Daring we forgave them ok and Darling And Kitty Oh and don't forget Madeline hatter I then said to her How was your day She said it was ok until the prince of selfish ruined it I took a sip then splattered  it out onto moms face she was sitting across me Luckily her eyes were closed Her face was covered in my coffee liquid and I grabbed some napkins and used one to wipe my mess and threw it away and used the other one to wipe my face hahaha p-prince hahaha selfish ahahaha I said Laughing my butt off almost falling off my seat after a few seconds trying to catch my breath I took a sip as apple continued He called me a pain and I'm all like [ Censored] pls Looking at your face brings me pain I splattered  out my sip of a coffee Laughing silently My sip of coffee ended up on mom again I looked at mom her face was wet again causing me to laugh harder Ahahaha I said And calmed down after a while and Used a cloth to clean up my mess and handed a small towel to mom so she can clean up her face She did we threw our Napkins/towel away in the trash bin Snow was Giggling What mom said to her snow said Hehe Y-your face from the liquid I grabbed A water gun Out of nowhere and handed it to apple And she smirked with a nod and squirted her mom After a few more squirts Snow said Oh! So cold shivering hey you we're gonna get wet and cold as 'ice' anyway I said mom Laughed And said now we're Even haha Oh I get it Apple said Haha because the bet My wife said again Yea haha I said with my eyes closed And a smile I took a bite out of my croissant and swallowed it I was about to take another bite Until A stupid Sparrow hood came to our table and strummed his guitar and sang while sliding over on his knees Oh~ Sparrow in the house!! And apple said Sparrow go Bye bye!!! Hmm I'll only go if Raven can out rock me Sparrow said without Singing Deal I said and We all left to the school auditorium Stage and gathered everyone I started with my solo It was going good everyone was cheering I told apple to close my moms eyes she did and Mom was ok with it and apple closed and covered her eyes So it went well until Sparrow interrupted He played and slid towards me on his knees and said Yea~ That's it! I said then said again I told the headmaster I wasn't gonna do anything bad but sometimes I said once more using my purple magic to rise me up On my spot And I held my hand with purple flames about to strum And said Sometimes you got to let your bad side out! Apple uncovered moms eyes mom was shocked but smiled warmly i Strummed and winked at her As my magic created large purple speakers and Fire works I played my solo Cooler Sparrow got mad And played and did a crash on the floor breaking his guitar the crowd cheered louder for me Including snow and apple and mom I had  a new dress my hair braided and strummed while saying Practice makes perfect and played while crouching down finishing My awesome solo With some of my famous purple smoke Good night Ever after High!! I said into the mic to the crowd as they cheered as I sweat From playing and walked off To mom and apple Mom gave me a hug and a smile I smiled back apple gave my a kiss on the cheek luckily no one was they're besides our moms Then i said let's get some sleep they agreed it was night time
~ Next morning~
Apples POV
I woke up to the sun with a bright smile I took a shower and changed into a Black T-shirt a Leather jacket a gold necklace and Gold knee shredded Jeans  My wife also took a shower once she woke up and changed into a purple and black version of my outfit I had Sneakers With gold stripes and my wife had Sneakers also Purple Nike We had our hair braided ponytails And applied our makeup and lipstick Let's go my love Raven said of course my Queen I said Also Ebony has her own Dorm to her self Right across from us We left our dorm And Ebony was their in her Miranda attire and make up and normal hair of her form morning Mira I Said because some people were around Yo Mira Raven said With a smile Yo you two Ebony said with a smile Wanna get some breakfast Mira said Sure I'm down I said same! My wife said We're should we go I said yea I don't want lumpy porridge in me Raven said haha I said I really do enjoy life with my Wife and our moms we are immortal but not cursed we can't grow just age Ahaha I said I found it funny Briar and ashlynn looked at me Surprised apple briar said what it was funny I said oh how about we go to The Castle so cook can make us breakfast Ebony said I'm down me and my wife said Briar and ash just looked at us Surprised What? Me and Rae said together they Looked at each other And looked back at us Oi it's Royally rude to stare you know My wife said irritated and used air quotes on Royally with a tick mark I sighed and said Rae pls calm down Rae then said with a playful smirk Only for you beautiful causing me to blush rapidly And stutter S-Shush u-up Q-Queen She still had that smirk And said whatever you say Lovely goddess Causing me to Blush super red and stutter L-Let's just G-Go o-ok R-Ravenna I secretly whispered Goddess To her I looked at Ebony As Ravenna smiled and she smirked causing Me to blush in embarrassment And say tch whatever I'm hungry can we go now please sure! Raven said with a small Laugh I looked at Briar and ashlynn They were confused Huh they said in unison Oh Nothing Me and my wife and mother in law Said and continued walking but I then said as I looked at them oh and good morning you two see ya later I smiled and continued to walk With my hands in my Jean pockets with a smile on my face once more so How are we gonna get there I said um portal I Guess Ebony said Hahaha Raven said What's so funny Raven Ebony said As me and Ebony looked at her confused Huh oh did you guys see their faces when we bumped into them Before we went to get our food they were so confused when I was flirting with Apple hahaha Raven said oh! Yea hehe I said Come on guys let's go eat Ebony said ok Me and raven said in unison And we went outside and made a portal to Queen castle and went through After a while we made it to the castle Let's go Guys I said Ok Raven said Ebony just nodded and we walked in I actually know Queen castle well because I've been married to my Lover for  40000000 years We reached the dining room and sat at the table I sat Next to Rae who sat next to Ebony Hello cook Rae said Oh hello Raven I haven't seen you in Ages Cook said happy Rae just chuckled and said it's only Been a year cook Then cook said exactly That's a long time I just chuckled They know who Mira shards really is The "evil Queen" So can we have some breakfast please Ebony said Sure Your highness Cook said what would you like cook said again I said can I get a fruit salad and some berry waffles and a banana smoothie Sure! Cook said writing down my order And Rae said can I get a chopped salad and a three stack pancakes with butter only and a strawberry smoothie please cook ok! Cook said writing down her order as well and you Ebony Cook said I would like a croissant Buttered and French toast with butter and eggs and some fruit and a watermelon smoothie please Ebony said ok Cook said writing the final order thanks cook we said No prob Cook said And walked off to make our orders I looked at Rae What Rae said I then said With a chuckle nothing my love Would you rather spend the Night with headmaster Grimm Or spend the Night with a toad My wife said I would rather spend the night with Grimm i said ok my lover said with a chuckle Ebony just laughed quietly after a while our breakfast came One by one Thanks cook we said again your welcome guys Cook said and left we began to eat I slowly Began to eat my Fruit salad After a while we finished our breakfast And headed out Bye guys we said in unison Bye they said Back and we went through the mirror portal after a while we made it back to E.A.H in time for class Grimm gives us special access to skip classes All thanks to Rae Hehe scaring the life out of him when she emerged from the shadows of his office me and Mom and Ebony were there laughing our butts off and he told the teachers to Never give us detention The teachers know about our powers Just then we made it to Baba yaga's classroom Your late! Baba Yaga said sorry we said Then Faybelle said as she fluttered her wings over to us Hey! Why are you here Apple white your not a Future Villain Baba Yaga said scared F-Faybelle thorn G-go sit down No I will not sit down! Queen And white need detention Faybelle said You know Faybelle Rae said while her hair covered her eyes to make them look dark You know Fay-belle I recommend you go sit your pretty [ Censored] Down While you can or else! scaring the hex out of everyone with her tone except us well a little Or what Queen Fay-belle said I'll rip your wings off and make your life a living HELL!!!! Rae said scary again I think everyone wet there pants Aww How cute Miss goodie two shoes just threatened me Heh that's your big speech huh Faybelle said mockingly Ms. thorn! Baba Yaga said Then Faybelle scoffed and said Ooh I'm so scared She's glaring at M- Before Faybelle could Finish Raven Giggled insanely and Punched Faybelle * BAM* The Punch echoed Around the class Then Fay-Belle said What the hell did you- She couldn't finish her sentence Again because my wife Pounced on her Scratching her and clawing her and Punching her without a moments rest A sinister smile Was placed on Rae's Face I looked at Ebony she was recording the whole thing when it started She had a smile I then saw where she was coming from that smile I Looked back at Rae and Fay-Belle and giggled Oh Ravenna i whispered sweetly Softly She was still beating up Fay-Belle with a evil glint in her eye and a smirk Made it's way onto her face and once she was finished she punched Fay-Belle really hard on the nose AAAAAHHHHH!!! Fay-Belle said My Nose!!! Fay-belle said again making me chuckle Never insult me again you  Pathetic Fairy!! Rae said Baba Yaga Then said Miss Queen! Yes Baba Yaga Ravenna said Baba Yaga just sighed please take Miss thorn to the Nurse then to The headmaster ok Baba Yaga said again ok Rae said I'll go with her I said me to Ebony said Ok Baba Yaga said And Ravenna picked up Fay-belle Then Fay-Belle said Don't touch me You Creep!!! Backing away when she stood up I'll Just fly to the nurse Queen!!! Fay-Belle said Then Ravenna said in a innocent Voice oh but if your in pain you wouldn't be able to make it to the nurse even if you tried Ugh! Fine I'll walk with you guys Fay-Belle said good! Ravenna said scary making Fay-belle shiver in fear from her tone And walked to the door Ravenna looked at us and laughed a little we did to let's go Appolline Ravenna said I was shocked She never called me by my real Name for a while Sure thing Ravenna I said sweetly let's go Mira I said coming! Ebony said in her Mira shards voice and walked with us out the door but once I reached the door I looked back everyone had they're jaws opened almost hitting the floor from shock I then said oh and guys close your mouths Or else you'll get flies then smiled I then heard My wife's voice a few paces away Appolline you coming with Mira yea coming Ravenna i said and walked to them as they waited with Fay-belle leaning on Ebony heh We walked all the way to the nurses office We entered Through the door oh hello there you four healer tamatha Said Hello Nurse I said What brings you here healer tamatha said Oh we're here so you can heal Fay-Belle she Um got into an incident Today I said I motioned my finger she got it and bent her ear down to hear me only I whispered into her ear She pissed off Ravenna badly she You know beat her up she backed away and nodded slowly Alright Fay-Belle let's get you clean up the nurse said and she cleaned Her injuries And put some bandages on her Neck shoulder and the side of her forehead All done! Said the nurse Thanks nurse Faybelle said np Said the nurse and we left To take Fay-Belle to detention We knocked on Grimm's Door he opened it and smiled at us And well for Faybelle she got a deep deep scowl Ooh I inhaled sharply Big mistake in Baba Yaga's classroom p.o Ravenna  I said he nodded Two days Miss thorn he said and Faybelle said Ugh yes sir and went in not before glaring at Ravenna Ravenna dangerously glared back at her making her shiver in fear and go in quickly hehe Ravenna said And Grimm closed the door not before kissing his daughter's cheek and whispered love you sweetie Dad! Ebony whispered embarrassed Because it was in front of Ravenna She blushed 10 shades of red of embarrassment Grimm just chuckled And closed the door Ebony was still blushing from embarrassment By the look Ravenna gave her hehe Ravenna said I nudged her side ow! Ravenna said What was that for Appolline Ravenna said That was just for fun I said with a playful tone Humph! Ravenna said and pouted Hehe Ebony said then said again Pay back! Ravenna then laughed Sarcastically ha ha ha very funny And sighed and then smiled Come on guys Let's head Back to class
~ Time skip after There classes ~
Still apple POV
After class we headed down for lunch We headed to the castle-Teria And went in line With our trays We always get our meals While everyone else's eats rubbish Heh we have a secret And that secret is Hagatha Likes us And is Under ebony's control Heh so she is always glad to see us she knows Mira is Ebony We were Like the twentieth in line After a while we made it to Hagatha She smiled at us And said hello You guys The usual Yup a caramel frappe A butterscotch pudding Chopped salad and a Medium flavorful burger and for dessert throne cake A giant piece pls Ravenna said then I said a chopped fruit salad And a apple pie for dessert and the main meal Ramen and for a drink a blueberry milkshake please Nice and fresh Please she got our orders nice and fresh then it was ebony's turn she said I would like A Croissant three at least and some fresh fries oh and a White rice and no beans and melted cheese burrito And a watermelon for dessert oh and a Coffee pls she got her order nice and fresh and said there ya go You guys Thx we said and headed to the center of the Cafeteria and sat down as we left we heard sparrow hood say I would like a Large but got cut off by Hagatha throwing a large scoop of Lumpy porridge With a scowl Hehe I said quietly before I sat down So guys whatcha wanna do after Lunchtime Ravenna said Hmm I don't know Ebony said Hey guys a voice said We looked behind us It was Briar and Maddie oh and cerise hey I said Ebony just waved and Rae smiled wanna sit I said sure the three said heh and they did We talked and laughed Until Fay-Belle came in and smashed Rae's Cake Rae grew furious And looked at Faybelle dangerously Fay-belle then said I told you we're gonna pay I then said you never said that Shut it you pathetic apple Fay-belle said What did you say!!! Rae said getting up as her eyes turning into purple rage Faybelle said What you gone deaf Queen I meant what I- she got cut off by Rae throwing some magic at her and jumping on her after Gah!!! She yelled and punched her and kicking and busting her eye Dang I whispered hehe I said once more

Ever after high : Apple and raven Secretly marriedWhere stories live. Discover now