Chapter Three

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Monday mornings had always kind of been a relief for me. One more week to occupy my mind and more work to keep me busy. However, this particular week I was dreading. It wasn't everyday a moronic jerk decided to attend my school and follow me around like a sad, lost puppy dog.

Almost as soon as I entered the school's front door, I noticed the usual clique of popular boys standing by the breakfast bar. They chatted loudly, boasting about their latest conquest. Taking no interest in what was actually happening, I quickly pulled my jacket more tightly around myself and adjusted my backpack and hurried by them. None of them even glanced up until a voice cut through from the middle of the noisy group. I froze in my tracks.

"Kail!?" Elliot's boisterous shout echoed around. Many of the bulky boys turned to look about, most likely having no idea who this Kail person was.

I unfroze myself from my spot and immediately my legs started working in overdrive. Hurrying to my locker I stared at the floor hoping nobody would follow me. Turning the dial on my locker I almost jumped out of my skin when a hand landed on my shoulder. Turning around as quickly as humanly possible I clutched a hand to my chest in terror. Elliot stood there with a dopey grin plaster on his face. His hair was laying haphazardly on his head and his eyes twinkled with mischief.

"What the hell are your doing?" He said. I suddenly noticed I was still standing in my terrified position though all tension had left my muscles. I shook out my hands and turned back to my locker grabbing the books necessary for my morning classes.

Elliot began to lean in the locker next to me. I turned and gave him a look as to say, 'do you need something?' He caught my glance and shrugged.

"I thought I was going to get a tour." He smirked and I was suddenly tempted to slap him. But I face palmed myself instead. He chuckled and shoved one of his large hands into his pocket as stereotypical teenaged boys do.

I finished at my locker and slammed it closed. I nodded at him and he began to follow me. When I reached the door of my first class I turned and snapped my fingers at him when he gave me a confused look. He still looked confused to I mouthed, 'schedule'.

He nodded understandingly and dug through his pocket. He pulled out a very crumpled piece of paper and handed it to me. Wrinkling my nose at the disheveled paper, I unfolded it, then studied it. He had the same first, fifth and eighth hours as me and I mentally groaned. Since he had the same fifth hour, he had the same lunch as me.

Noticing I only had about ten minutes left to show him where his classes were located, I began immediately began. I pointed to the door of the room we were at, and pointed at his first hour on his schedule. He nodded and I turned and walked to his next hour class. After I showed his the rest of his classes, attempting to get the points across about break and lunch. When the bell rang we ventured to first hour. I sat in my usual seat in the second row without giving any indication to Elliot about where he should seat. Standing in the back of the room, he looked lost until some of the football boys he was talking with earlier walked in. Then, enthusiastically, they threw their arms around him and began to talk quite loudly.

"Dude, you've got to join the football team, don't you think, Brad?" The boy who must have been Brad nodded and spoke.

"Yeah, dude, look at those shoulders. Perfect for our team." They all nodded in agreement and they began to sit down in their usual spots in the very last row. Elliot still looked lost but relief flooded his face when they gestured for hi, to sit down. He threw his bag on the floor and pulled out a mechanical pencil.

When the late bell rang, Mrs. West sauntered into the room. Her pretty brown hair was pulled up into an adorable messy bun and she wore a cute blue patterned skirt and a brown t-shirt. Standing tall in the front of the class she began, "Good morning, class. Before we begin, I have gotten word that there is a new student. Is that correct?"

The football boys cheered and Elliot clumsily scrambled to his feet. "Um, yeah," he squeaked. It was weird seeing Elliot so shy. I guess wooing teachers wasn't his specialty.

Mrs. West looked at his and gave him a warm smile. "Now, would you care to introduce yourself to the class?"

He nodded, thinking about what exactly to say. His forehead crinkled. "Um, I moved here recently. I was at a school in Illinois but it was awful so here I am." He smiled brightly, sitting back down.

Mrs. West nodded and started class.


Almost four entire hours later it was finally time for lunch. My stomach growled hungrily as I put my books back into my locker and grabbed my lunch bag. If anybody actually expected to eat the school food, they were very, very wrong. I would never put that 'pizza' into my mouth. I mean they can't just give us cardboard with red paint and call it pizza. It just isn't right.

I walked to the lunchroom and found an empty table. I placed my backpack on the table and my lunch bag on the table. Pulling out the chair, I took a seat and dug into my delicious salad. Mrs. Nichole always made the best food. I'm still not entirely sure how she can make rabbit food taste good, but she does.

While eating, I pulled out my iPod and put on some of my favorite songs. I was used to sitting alone and it was quite a scare when Elliot slammed his plastic lunchroom tray down in the table. Ripping the earbuds out of my ears I glared at Elliot. He didn't notice and pulled out a chair and took a seat.

He began to shovel the slop into his mouth as I attempted to ignore him. I simply put my iPod away and pulled out my book. Turning my body and scooting my chair, I made it so I could only seen Elliot out of the side of my eye. It was almost like he had disappeared completely other than the constant scrap pining of his cheap plastic fork against his tray.

A while later he cleared his throat and began, "Is there a problem or something, because you haven't acknowledged my existence since first hour?" I gave his a look like, 'duh' and he shrugged.

Trust me, there are plenty of problems.


Hey, lovely people of Wattpad!

Here's an update! I bet you never saw that on coming....

I love you,


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