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Warning! This chapter includes mature content!

Third-Person's POV

Five hours have passed and Lisa's surgery is still being held. The guys have gone home, as well as Taehyung's family together with Myungsoo as they discuss things through, but the girls remained persistent. Thankfully, Jennie and Momo's injuries have been treated. Just then, Lisa's Mom and Dad came with hurried steps waking the girls up.

"Oh my God Jiyeon, what happened to my daughter?" Larissa asked with tears falling down from her eyes. The girls looked down, unable to explain.

"Uncle, Auntie, this all my fault, I was the one driving the car-" Momo took responsibility for the said accident but was cut off by Jennie.

"No, this is no one else's fault but mine. I-I shouldn't have forced L-Lisa to take me away but d-due to my selfishness, she's l-lying there, f-fighting death. I-I'm sorry uncle, auntie..." And once again, the brunette was crying her heart out. The parents looked at the girl with pity in their eyes then hugged her tight but not too tight to hurt her arm that's wrapped in a cast.

"Honey it's okay, don't cry. I'm sure our Lisa don't want to see you cry. Why don't you tell us what happened?" So they did, up to the very beginning while the parents listened attentively.

"The things Lisa do for love..." Marco whispered underneath his breath, but Jennie heard it, loud and clear.

"I'm sorry if Lisa had to suffer this much, we weren't expecting this to happen. It's just that Taehyung has gone mad that night and tried to push us off the road, and he succeeded. I'm really sorry, believe me, I couldn't forgive myself for causing this to Lisa." Jennie apologized with her head down, but Marco ruffled her hair to make the girl feel better.

Just then, the doctor came out obviously exhausted from the surgery. He was beyond surprised for the number of crowd that was waiting for him to finish.

"Uhhh, who are the patient's relative?" He asked as his eyes scanned through everyone seated.

"We're her parents."

"Ahh yes, Mr. and Mrs. Manoban, I am Dr. Lee, fortunately, the patient miraculously survived after experiencing such trauma. She lost too much blood, broken ribs and other bones, scratches and cuts, a head trauma but she still managed to hold on. I guess someone is in her mind the whole time. But the sad news is, it will take awhile for her to regain consciousness so for the mean time, Lalisa will have to stay in the hospital until she recovered. Please sign the papers up for her room." The doctor said as he assisted the two. With that, Lisa was taken to the VIP suite that the hospital provides.

They waited for about ten minutes before the nurse came out of the room and told them that they could now visit the patient. When Jennie stepped a foot inside, her legs became wobbly so Jiyeon accompanied her daughter by her side. Tears came streaming down like a dam as she saw how terrible Lisa's situation is. Her left arm and leg is wrapped in a cast, her head is wrapped in bandages with a couple of bruise on her beautiful face, her whole body is swelling.

"W-Why? Just why! I should be the one l-lying there and not you!" The brunette approached Lisa's unconscious body as the others looked at her with pity. She gripped Lisa's hands tightly to feel her warmth.

"You're an i-idiot for doing s-such a thing." Jennie whispered as she stroke Lisa's blonde hair. The others remained silent, holding on to each other with tears as well. The nine of them formed a group hug circling around Lisa, telling her a bunch of stupid things to lift the atmosphere. After half an hour, the seven girls were sitting on the floor, head over each other while Jennie and Momo took over the couch.

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