Flying lesson

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The group were enjoying their breakfast and talking about classes when a piece of paper was slid under their noses. They stopped what they were doing and looked up in confusion to find Professor McGonagall glaring at them over her spectacles.

"These are your timetables. Stick to them and miss no classes." the Professor said, walking briskly down the table to hand out the rest.

Blaire examined her timetable; flying lessons, potions, herbology and history of magic. She groaned, knowing that she hated all of them, especially the latter. Hermione, on the other hand, look overjoyed, putting Ron into an even worse mood.

"How can you be happy with a timetable like this?" He exclaimed, throwing his head into his hands dramatically. Hermione slammed her book down on the table in front of his head, making him jump. She rolled her eyes, biting down on a strawberry.

"Here, I think you need this more than me." She remarked, smirking at the frown that had appeared on Ron's face once he read the title 'Potions For Beginners' .

"Merlin's beard this is a bad day." The boy across from Blaire complained, whose timetable seemed to be the same as hers. "The name's Dean Thomas, by the way. Seamus I swear to god, if you try that spell again I will-" He was  interrupted by a loud bang from the boy next to him who gave a weak smile, his face covered in ash. He'd been trying to turn his water into rum, which had failed drastically; the goblet in front of him had exploded, taking Seamus's eyebrows with it in the process.

"MR FINNIGAN!" Professor McGonagall shouted from the other side of the hall, her face livid. He and Dean dropped their things and sped out the hall, leaving the Gryffindor table in tears from their laughter.

"This school," Blaire announced, wiping her eyes, "is crazy'


The children finished their meals and headed out to one of Hogwarts' many courtyards to prepare for their flying lessons. It was a cold day; the wind whistled in their ears and the grass rippled beneath their feet.  Blaire wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to warm herself up, but it made no difference to the biting cold that made her cheeks flush and her eyes water whenever she lifted her head out of her scarf. They stood, huddled around the broomsticks that had been placed on the ground. Blaire was talking to Alfie when she heard a familiar drawling voice.

"This is pathetic, us superior players being put with these awful broomstick riders. They should train us separately, really." Malfoy sneered loudly, his friends waiting for a look of approval from him to laugh. Blaire gritted her teeth and smirked to herself, not able to resist tormenting the boy, and walked slowly over to where the blonde stood.

"Why, scared you'll fall off and embarrass yourself?" Blaire questioned him in mock sympathy. Malfoy turned around to face Blaire, his grey eyes staring directly at her.

"Well if it isn't the blood traitor." Malfoy smirked, his friends flanking him as he strode up to Blaire. "Tell me, how does it feel to disappoint your whole family?"

Having a flashback of what Blaise said to her the day before, Blaire narrowed her eyes at the boy. "I don't give a damn what you or my family thinks, Malfoy. You won't catch me needing two  halfwits behind me to make me feel worth something." Blaire knew she'd upset him; his eyes narrowed to match hers and he came a few steps closer. Behind her, Alfie let out a snort of accidental laughter, and Malfoy turned to him with a look of disgust on his face.

"You think this is funny? Filthy little mudblood." Draco sneered, his friends guffawing behind him.

As soon as the words left his mouth Blaire ran at him, forgetting the wand in her hand that could easily do the job. She was blinded by rage; she wanted nothing more at that moment than to tear the smirking blonde boy in front of her to shreds.

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