"What would you two say to a prank?"

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"Fuck off, Weasley."

"Hey, what'd I do?"

"Personal. Fucking. Space."

"I literally just moved my chair, merlins beard."

"Move it again and I'll shove up your-"

"Everyone shut up, she's opening her eyes!"

Blaire felt as if she'd  been swallowed by darkness; light was nowhere to be found and she was in an endless tunnel of emptiness. The voices around her echoed in an eerie fashion, bouncing off the corners head and making her wince every time somebody spoke. It felt as though there was a weight resting on her shoulders, restraining her from even lifting her head and pulling herself from the suffocating darkness.

"Blaire? Blaire can you hear us?"

"Oi, snap out of it, dumbass!"


Blaire peeked out of her duvet to find where the voice came from, her eyelids fluttering slightly in an attempt to escape the overwhelming darkness. Bright lights flooded her vision, and she gave an involuntary shriek as they almost blinded her; she burrowed her head under her blankets to try and return to her peaceful emptiness.

Trying and, regrettably, failing.

"Mione?" Blaire croaked out, lifting her head from the covers and facing the bright lights, wincing at their attack on her vision. "What the fu-"

"Language!" Madam Pomfrey tutted as she bustled past, pressing a cold compress to Blaire's sweaty forehead. "It's about time you're up, it's been hours!"

"Wait, what?" Blaire asked, flinging her head up, which was not the wisest choice; her forehead throbbed painfully as she warily retreated back to the comfort of her pillow, nestling into it's soft fabric in an attempt to calm the pain. "I thought- I thought it was only my arm that was bleeding, why does my head-"

"It was only your arm," Adina cut in, unable to hold her tongue, "Until Weasley here snatched you away and dropped you on your head."

"I didn't drop her, you pushed me over!" George protested, throwing his hands in the air.

"I did no such bloody thing-"

"Shut. Up." Blaire whispered, their raised voices sending new waves of pain through her head. "Please."

They both hung their heads in shame, Adina slightly red in the face.

"How're you feeling?" Hermione asked gently, stroking Blaire's face, her nails caressing her forehead. She traced the outline of the purple lump on her forehead, her cold fingers soothing the soreness of her bruise.

"Wonderful," Blaire replied, her voice dripping in sarcasm. She grinned weakly at Hermione, acting as if the other two weren't sitting bickering quietly next to her.

"Do you-" George began, edging towards Blaire.

"Go away." She said simply, turning over, not wanting to have anything to do with the lying ginger. If he wanted to use her just to win a bet, let him, but he better be prepared for the consequences.

"What?" He asked, and Blaire could detect honest confusion in his voice. She sat up, ignoring the dull ache in her head that was screaming at her to lay back down.

"Don't try and play dumb with me, Weasley." She hissed at him, her anger getting the best of her. "I know all about your stupid little bet with your stupid little brother."

His eyes widened in understanding, then he did the most unimaginable thing.

He laughed.

Blaire narrowed her eyes in fury as he clutched his waist, rolling around in his chair.

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