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It's been almost 2 weeks and Error is worried. The gang hasn't found him many different theories were racing through his mind. Did Ink tell the truth and only injure them a 'little'? Did the gang just give up on him that quickly?......maybe they sold him?.......he hated thinking any of these thoughts about his friends. He doesn't give up hope just yet....he hasn't left the house at all. They don't trust him. However he has taken a small liking to the one dressed in blue. He would always start up small conversations with him,bring him food/snacks and make sure he's as comfortable as he can be in his position right now....though he hated the other two. They would scold Blue for talking to Error and helping him. They would make him do the chores such as cook the food and clean. They would even talk behind his back horribly....Error felt bad for the small skeleton. Especially because he knew Blue admired them and saw them as 'heroes'. "Tch...Heroes my ass..." Error grumbles with a snarl. Error did often help Blue with cooking and small things because it was the least he could do for him. Blue has also been teaching him how to knit. Just recently he knitted a blue scarf it wasn't....perfect but he was still thankful Blue tried to keep him happy. Often they had a few serious talks.....Blue confessed he hated violence against ANYONE, even the bad sanses. He would always try and reason with the other two skeletons and try another method but they never listened....Error's expression gets slightly darker. He hates anytime those two are brought up. He just had to be patient and hope for the gang to find him soon. Though he knew he would want to take Blue with him and miss him greatly...especially because truth be told yes the bad sanses do raise chaos against the multiverse. But they do it for balance. Something Ink wouldn't understand. They've just all been mistreated and misunderstood. They treat eachother like family because, in truth..they don't have anyone else...

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