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changbin and jisung entered the cafe, the strong aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sweet smell of pastries hitting them. jisung had suggested that they visit the cafe that had recently opened near their apartment rather than driving fifteen minutes to the nearest cafe that made decent coffee. plus, they would be supporting a small business and that made jisung feel like a proud member of the community. the cafe's interior was very nice and relaxing with a few plants here and there and gold string lights decorating the white walls. there were only a few people seated at tables, talking to one or another or typing away on their device. no one was at the register so jisung pressed a little bell situated on the counter.

after a minute or two of arguing over song lyrics with changbin, a cute boy appeared behind the counter, causing jisung to choke on his saliva. "hello! i'm so sorry about the wait. what can i get for you?"

noticing his roommate's hitch, changbin stepped forward, "it's fine, we didn't wait long. can i please have a hot chocolate, caramel macchiato and one iced americano. all large."

"of course! anything else?"

changbin thought for a moment, "and a vanilla cupcake."

"that'll be $14.30," changbin tapped his card on the card reader and gave him a small smile. changbin may have thought the boy was the tiniest bit cute.

"your name?"


"thank you changbin. the wait wont be long," the boy smiled and gestured to the seats.

changbin nodded and dragged jisung to the nearest table and sat down. jisung looked at the working boy and back at changbin, "holy shit he's cute."

changbin rolled his eyes, "dont fall in love, jisung."

"i think i already have," the younger sighed dreamily, staring at the boy behind the counter, chin propped in his palm. changbin chuckled at jisung, eyes trained on the stranger brewing the coffee. "help me carry the drinks?"

"you didnt even have to ask."

a few minutes later and their order was finally called, "changbin?"

changbin and jisung rose from their seats, making their way to the counter. the boy smiled at the two, "one hot chocolate, iced americano, caramel macchiato and a vanilla cupcake?"

"yep, thats our order. thank you... " changbin squinted at the name tag pinned to the boy's shirt, "felix."

felix handed the two their order with a smile, "no worries, changbin."

here and queer!
Fri, 31 may, 12:09pm

ive just been to heaven and back.

what?? thats impossible
youre supposed to go to hell????

says satan himself :/

ok rat.

wdym by that

oh yes! spill the beans my beloved sungie!


i fell in love today :)

this is worrying

@ binniechinnie
what happened while you guys were getting coffee???

jisung was being gross and choked on his saliva because he made eye contact with the coffee boy so i had to talk for him lmao

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