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chan let out a defeated groan. he had been working on a track since last night and was struggling to make the piece sound right. it felt so underwhelming... he was definitely missing something. the singer rubbed his face with his palms, his vision blurred as glanced to the bottom right of his laptop screen. it was already eleven in the morning? he let out an exasperated sigh as he got up and rummaged through his drawers, pulling out his favourite black playboy hoodie and his jeans.

"channie hyung! help me pick out what to wear, binnie hyung is being a meanie and he won't help me," chan rolled his eyes at the sound of jisung's voice. it was way too early for this.

here and queer!
sun, 9 jun, 11:03am

wow my roommates suck

tell me about it
i'd hate having an actual rodent as my roommate as well

wow its not even 12 and you're already blessing us with your negative energy
i hate it here

then leave :)

im going to cry
why always bully me ;((

his name isn't seungmeanie for no reason

^ literally sent by satan himself to torture us


omg what should i wear
i will win over and maybe possibly even woo him if he is that HOT

wow you really have no shame

i have a weak spot for hotties:)

if youre gonna talk about me at least be direct ik im hot and all dont be shy






chan rolled his eyes at his dumb friends as he scrolled through their group chat. he was tired of jisung's shenanigans and tired from being cooped up in his room all day and needed a change of scenery so he walked to the cafe jisung loved so much.

when he opened the door, he was hit in the face by the scent of fresh coffee beans. he sniffed the air. he will never get tired of the smell of delicious coffee. although he didn't drink coffee often, he couldn't help but yearn for the delicious caramel macchiato made by the cute boy. a familiar smile welcomed him as he walked to the register.

"hello! welcome, what can i get for you?"

chan squinted at the beaming boy, his smile was so bright and blinding, "hello, can i please get-"

"a large caramel macchiato?"

chan smiled and nodded, he had been frequenting the cafe ever since he was introduced to the place. the coffee was so delicious... definitely not because of a certain cute, sweet, fluffy pink-

"that will be $5.50, thank you. the wait won't be long."

chan made his way to a booth in the corner of the cafe and sat there, tapping on his phone as he waited for his drink. it was only 11:35. only twenty-five more minutes until his loud friends arrive and give him even more of a headache, he was feeling moody (probably because he didn't get a wink of sleep). chan turned off his phone, bored. he looked around the room, it seems like the cafe is empty today, chan being the only customer.

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