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"overall, you've improved a lot and your pitch is perfect but you need to focus more on stabilisation and breathing."

seungmin nodded at his vocal coach, "thank you, i will work on it."

"alright seungmin, amazing as usual. i look forward to your next evaluation. make sure to impress me the next time i see you. you may go now."

"of course. thank you, coach."

as soon as the door closed, seungmin let out a loud sigh. he wanted to perfect his singing. he needed to. there was always a flaw with his voice and it annoyed him. he wanted it to be perfect so he could please his fans.

seungmin looked up as the elevator doors were about to close, spotting a boy dashing towards the elevator, "please wait!"

oh how badly seungmin wanted to shut the doors on the boy but figured he shouldn't. the boy looked like he was in a hurry and if it were seungmin in his shoes, he would be fuming for the whole day if he had somebody shut the elevator doors on him. seungmin internally rolled his eyes as he pressed the button to open the elevator doors.

the boy huffed as he stepped into the elevator, leaning against the wall panting, "thank you so much, if you hadn't stopped the elevator i would've definitely been late and my manager would probably kill me."

seungmin nodded but didn't say a word, awkward silence filling the elevator. "so... what's your name? i'm new here so that's why i was in such a hurry. didn't wanna leave a bad first impression, ya get me...? haha..."

seungmin finally looked up at the boy, staring straight at the short stranger. the first thing he noticed about stranger was his pink hair. the second were the freckles scattered on his cheeks... they were so cute, were they fake? the third was his plump pouty lips and the fourth being his beautiful honey brown eyes. this boy was beautiful.

"oh, sorry if i'm bothering you," the shorter chuckled awkwardly, looking away from seungmin.

how stupid of seungmin. he spent all that time admiring felix and letting silence answer for him.

"no!- i mean, no, you're not a bother, don't worry. i was just surprised because you said you're new here. i thought i'd recognised you from somewhere."

good save seungmin. now he'll understand why you were staring at him for so long. he wouldn't think you were checking him out... right?

"my name is seungmin."

the elevator stopped before the other could introduce himself, "nice to meet you seungmin! i gotta go, i'll see you around, hopefully."

no! i didn't even get your name! don't go yet!


he watched the pink haired stranger run off as the doors closed. "seungmin, you fucking idiot! ask for his name. oh my god."

the brunette cursed at himself. how dumb of him. he couldn't even say a simple 'it was nice meeting you too.' he instead uttered ONE single word to the other.

gosh, seungmin. you really are an idiot.

felix frowned as he hurried out of the elevator. he thought the brunette was cute but he didn't even ask for felix's name. did the other not like him? felix didn't think he did anything wrong though. maybe he's just having a bad day... but it's only nine in the morning.

felix shook the thoughts away and took a deep breathe once he arrived in front of a door.

"you got this, felix," he muttered to himself before pushing the door open.

he was hit with a swarm of greetings. "felix! you're here already? come this way and the girls will do your hair and makeup. hyunjin isn't here so we won't start yet."

felix smiled at the man before greeting him and made his way to hair and makeup. felix was so excited to finally meet the hwang hyunjin. felix had been crushing on the ravenette for so long. he recalled the first time he saw him when he last visited korea for a shoot. they had only passed by each other, saying a brief hello as a sign of respect. he was the same boy that texted felix words of encouragement in response to felix's extremely long paragraph about how much felix loved hyunjin and how he's inspired him, although hyunjin wasn't aware it was felix since he was on his sister's account (he was too embarassed to send it on his own account, scared that hyunjin might think weirdly of him). but none of that matters now since he was finally going to meet hyunjin!

now he was starting to get nervous. what if hyunjin didn't like the way he looked? will he be able to see the freckles? no, no, felix was wearing foundation, there's no way hyunjin would be able to see his freckles. argh! what should he say to hyunjin when he sees him? what-

"the one and only, hwang hyunjin! hurry to makeup and hair, the other model came fifteen minutes before you, you're very late."

felix glanced at the boy entering the room and nearly choked, quickly recovering so he doesn't make a fool out of himself in front of his crush. "you're good to go. you look so handsome!"

felix thanked the nice lady as she gushed about how handsome he looked, blushing a little. felix was no fool, he knew he was handsome. as egocentric as that sounded, it was true. he grew up with everybody telling him how beautiful he was and that he should be grateful for his lucky genetics. even if felix knew himself that he was beautiful, someone had always had to comment on his freckles. that was the only thing he thought was ugly about himself. what's worse was that it was on his face for everyone to see. with hyunjin in the room, he dared not to call himself beautiful. he was no where near hyunjin. hell, he shouldn't even be allowed to compare himself to hyunjin. the ravenette was just on a whole other level.

"alrighty, we're going to be starting now so can we have hyunjin and felix on set please!"

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