Ϟ - Chapter I - Ϟ

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Arceus was the god of all Pokemon, and watched over the world from The Hall Of Origin. She observed how humans caught and had battles with pokemon. She wondered what it would be like to have a human child that went on a Pokemon journey. She pondered over the thought and decided, using her power to create a human child.

And that is how Ash Ketchum was born.


Ash Ketchum is a 6-year-old boy who loves Pokemon. He has raven-colored hair with the exception of a few light blue streaks. He has auburn eyes with a golden glow to them, and a light zig zag birthmark on both his cheeks. He may be young, but he has the knowledge of Pokemon Professor, even more actually. He also posses aura, which allows him to do many great things. His mother had gotten a Lucario to train him, and now he was a skilled Aura User, but not quite strong enough to be an Aura Guardian. He also has a best friend named Spark, a Shiny Pichu who loved to battle, and wore a blue bandanna with lightning bolts on it around his neck.

He and Spark were currently running through The Hall Of Origin. 

The Hall of Origin was a giant dome-like place with smooth deep blue walls. In the middle of the room was a big aqua-blue pool. In front of the pool was a big gold and white throne. There were different sized and colored thrones surrounding the pool, each one custom-made for a different Legendary Pokemon. There was a room for each Legendary and Ash, as well as a training room and a large forest.

(When I say Legendaries, I mean Legendaries and Mythicals, but I just squish them together and call them Legendaries.)

Ash and Spark ran up to Arceus, who was sitting on her throne. "Mom, Professor Oak is holding a Pokemon Summer Camp! Can I go? Please?" he asked excitedly. "Me too? Please?" Spark asked using puppy eyes. Arceus considered the request. "Alright. You may go. But you must be careful not to rouse suspicion." she said. "Yes!" Ash and Spark exclaimed, fist pumping.

The two ran back to Ash's room so they could pack.

The Next Day

Ash and Spark were sitting on Ash's bed with Mew. "You sure we've got everything?" Spark asked, riffling through Ash's duffle bag full of stuff. "For the millionth time, yes! We have everything." Ash replied. "Fine, fine." the Pichu replied, pulling his head out of the bag. "Nana Mew, are you gonna come too?" Ash asked. Mew giggled. "Mother has sent me to watch over you. I will also be your means of transportation! Ready?" she asked. "Yep!" Ash and Spark replied. Mew touched them both with her tiny paws and replied, "Let's go!"

They teleported into a forest, where there were Pokemon everywhere. "The camp is just through those trees." Mew said, pointing at group of trees. "Thanks Nana Mew! See you later!" Ash said, as Mew disappeared, going invisible. Ash unzipped his bag. "Hop in Spark." he said. "Aww. You're sure I can't stay out?" Spark whined. "I'm sure. Mom said not to rouse suspicion. Most kids don't have pokemon partners yet." Ash replied. The Pichu huffed. He jumped into the bag. "Fine. But I'll have you know I'm getting into this bag under full protest- Oohh, cookies!"

Ash rolled his eyes and walked into the clearing.

There were a bunch of kids gathered in small groups talking, and he saw Professor Oak speaking to some other Professors. *Wow. So many humans!* Spark said through aura. Ash had taught him how to speak through aura so they could communicate secretly, just in case another person was nearby. Normal people couldn't understand Pokemon language.

*Yeah. I think Professor Oak's assistants and a few other Professors from other regions are here.* Ash replied. So far he'd seen Professor Sycamore, Professor Birch, and Professor Juniper.

Everyone was occupied, so no one saw him enter. "Well, we should get going now!" Professor Oak said. He led the group of kids into the forest. Ash observed the Pokemon happily. He noticed that there was one boy who kept stating facts about all the Pokemon. "Know it all." Ash heard Spark mutter from inside his bag.

They walked for a long time, before seeing a girl catch a Caterpie. Professor Oak then explained to them that they would soon get to catch and train Pokemon when they become Pokemon Trainers. Ash noticed the know-it-all boy and a maroon-haired girl hanging back as the group walked across a bridge. They seemed to be looking at something. He became curious and went to see what they were looking at.

That's when he saw Mew battling a Nidoking. "Uh-oh." he said. "What?" Spark's muffled voice asked. "Nana Mew!" he whispered. There was the sound of a zipper, and the Pichu poked his head out of the bag. "Oh no! Those kids have seen Mew!" Spark exclaimed quietly. Ash stayed calm. "I'm sure Nana Mew can handle it. She'll probably disappear, which is what we should do, back into the crowd, before anyone notices we're gone." Ash whispered, before pushing Spark back into the bag and zipping it. "Hey!" exclaimed Spark's muffled voice, before Ash started running to catch up with the group.

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